
Gareth Jones

Gareth Jones' Books

Pictorial story of Gareth


Colley Family

My Hobbies

Siriol's Photos

Earl of Abergavenny

Eirian, a Land Girl in 1917

Articles of interest

Sharm el Sheikh

Guest Book




THE SPEAKER, NEW LONDON, N.H.. August 29th,1940





A very good picture of the general attitude of the English people is shown in the following excerpts from a letter recently received by Dr. Arthur I. Andrews of Warner.

 England, Aug. 7, 1940

I am enclosing the American Clipper covers (seven covers) which I had put safely away in Barry.  We got rather tired of getting up nearly every night and spending one, two or sometimes three hours in the cellar—so John and I returned with camp beds, and it is really lovely to be able to forget aeroplanes and to spend peaceful nights again.  Our turn will come for disturbed nights later on I expect!

Fortunately at my home there was very little damage, but the Docks were too near for us to be happy about John.  Everyone was cheerful there.  We all know that the war has not really started for us yet hut we are quite prepared for it when it comes.  We spend most of our time boasting about our gardens!  People have done wonders in their flower gardens and we are quite used to seeing cabbages grow in formal and well-kept gardens!  I am amazed at the way we recovered from the shock of France deserting us.  We can rely on our own efforts— and Churchill is a born leader, fearless and he instills in us complete faith and courage.

Siriol writes such happy letters.  We are glad we were able to send her to Canada.  I am hoping that John can join her later.  Please do not think that any of us underestimate the danger by being cheerful.  The fact that we part with our children is a sure sign that we know what we are in for and are willing to put up with anything until we win.  We are grateful to you for your planes and for your sympathetic loyalty to us.  I hope the embargo on Aviation spirit will be lifted where we are concerned, as your Aviation spirit is the best, we are told.  I have kept a new slogan cover for you but all this moving about and being in three different homes, upsets one’s packing!  We manage splendidly on our rations and are really well fed, cheerful and confident. The only complaint to be heard is that, the Budget—was not stiff enough.  We are a funny people!