
Gareth Jones Books

Gareth Jones


Colley Family

My Hobbies

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Earl of Abergavenny

The Land Girl in 1917

All Articles of interest


Gareth Jones  Lloyd George


Major Edgar Jones

Sharm el Sheikh

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World Journey



Monday March .1935


I have arrived on a historic occasion, Pres. Roosevelt signed the constitution last Saturday. The commonwealth Govt is going to begin the elections. There was rejoicing throughout the Island. Landed early, porters in red shirts, was interviewed, then taxi to Y.M.C.A. - got room.

Mr Zaragoza of the bulletin phoned, called and interviewed me again about Hitler, International Police Force etc. We walked into the town, women with puffs over the shoulder, numbers of horse and carts at 20 centaros.  Talked with Zaragoza - "What I would like would be to have American protectorate".

"We rejoice that our independence has been granted, but the majority want still to have the American connection. Most people are afraid to say so because they could lose their jobs and they would be considered traitors."

"Why do I want American Protectorate?

a) Trade - 80% of our exports go to the U.S, - that is our finest market, which we will lose. Our hemp goes there, our sugar, coconut oil (margarine). (at lunch I pointed to the sugar, also margarine (from the coconut oil)).

b) Japan - People are very afraid that Japan will come in. We like the Chinese, but we don’t like the Japanese.

Now in Davao the Japs are trying to get a foothold which will one day be an excuse for intervening. They are trying to get hold of land, but we want it to be illegal for Japanese to own land. They are capturing the fishing trade, their fishers are good.  Also getting hold of the shipping trade and are selling cotton piece goods.

They are trying to start rubber plantations in Davao. Philippines might be valuable from raw materials and as a market, but some hold the view that it would not be worth while for Japan to come here, cost of army, navy etc. The young people are for independence, don’t like the feeling of inferiority towards the Americans, although they say that we are the most prosperous country in the Far East.  (we think often that the Americans lack manners especially towards the ladies. They don’t get up when ladies come in, they don’t take their hats of f etc. We have a tradition of Spanish courtesy here.)

Our native dialect is Malayan, not very many people are Spanish. The future is uncertain.

Under Haws Cutting Law, the Army and Navy bases would be retained in the Philippines, but Guezon was against this and wanted full independence. He went to Am and the Tydings - Mcduffie Act eliminated the military control. (Guezon - Nationalist Consolid***) Osmana and Ronas.

These are great days for the Philippines.

I went to see O’Neill of Reuters, from Dublin. Arranged for passage on Dutch Line to Java and Singapore, they’ve got the monopoly.  Then met Zaragosa and took him to lunch. People seem very gay here, we lunched overlooking the American Destroyers .  Listened to jazz. The waitresses danced very rhythmically and had flashing eyes.

In interview with Zaragosa, asked "Do you happen to be the son of an English nobleman?"

Fine open spaces in Manila. (Last night, wonderful moon rising, with flashes of lightening to the North East, beautiful effect, calm sea.)

Look up newspaper Sept 1931

Robert Aura Smith on the bulletin, Evangelist Chronicle

See Wilson, American Chamber of Commerce, 180 Called David

Sentence in Welsh/

The Japs would be certain to go *~**, absolute certainty. It would be better for the Americans to stay here for the peace of the world. The Japs would not dare to come here then.  If the Japs came, strategically it would be very bad for Britain, but Americans are so changeable. They always seem to make a mess of things.  Take the Act on Sugar, there’ll be a quota and tariffs in 5 yrs and then will increase until 10 yrs is over. Sure to be a case in the Supreme Court as to which Act applies.  The politicians can’t give up independence because they’d lose face, they’ve been crying for it for so long.

General opinion wants to keep link with U.S for trade.

Two things have changed the position entirely: -

1) The Manchurian Incident - Up to then, the policy was against the Chinese and Chinese immigration. But the Manchu question made people afraid, showed Japans aggressive nature.

2) Chromite - Only in the last 2 or 3 years have the rich raw materials of the Philippines been realised. Chromite is valuable for war purposes, thus a case is being made that the U.S should maintain the Philippines because of the resources of chromite.

Japanese trade is Increasing rapidly, more than half the cotton goods coming in, come from Japan. But no figures have been published recently.  Japanese coming into Davao, afraid Japanese are gaining influence. Wave of isolation across the U.S.A. Solution would be the continuation of the commonwealth beyond 10 yrs.

Mr Romulo — Herald

"We want full independence, want the American army and navy to go. We are prepared to make sacrifices."

Q. Wouldn’t there be a great Japanese menace?

"Yes that is a grave menace. (Commonwealth movement magazine is a racket to get money out of the Americans).

What could the Philippines do? We don’t want to become a second Manchuria or Korea". Treaty of Neutrality? "Yes, but we remember what happened to Belgium, so we cannot rely too much on a Treaty of Neutrality.

Two ways in which Japan can come to the Philippines

1) Military Force

2) Peaceful penetration

We feel that the latter is more probable, we don’t feel that Japan will attack the military in *sep* of other nations. Peaceful penetration is more effective. Japanese statesmen have said no fear of coming to the Philippines.  But we have Davao entirely controlled by the Japs, they have their own schools, a little Japan in the Philippine Islands. What can we do ? Try to be friendly.

Constitution provides for nationalisation of our public lands.

Very serious menace, my four papers have begun a campaign to educate people on Japanese history, how Japan has broken all pledges. Philippines should know with what kind of nation we are dealing.  Japan is doing everything to attract the Philippines, all sorts of propaganda. Eg. Kimira - Jap consul - felicitates people, the only consul who takes the trouble. Japanese Consul makes speeches, goodwill missions.

Plo Duran

Advocates alliance with Japan, counsel of Mitsubishi Kaishi.

He says the coloured races should stick together, but he has no support here.

Davao — see Monday Mail — "what Japan has done in Davao"

We are not plunging into the danger blindly. Philippine imports to Japan are not increasing, formerly we had big trade in lumber, but they put up heavy duty. In tobacco also, but cigars became heavily taxed in Japan.  1935 Red Letter Year.  We are worried. When Payne and Aldridge (Bill) proposed free trade, which put our trade on an artificial basis, America needed sugar then, hemp then. Our statesmen thought that if we allowed free trade, we’d have here artificial prosperity built on an economic relationship which could be terminated at will by the United States Congress. Then where would we be? It made us into a clinging vine type, dependent on the U.S.A.  It increased wealth, raised our standard of living, so our standard is much higher than Japan or China. 

America decides to terminate our free trade because our sugar competes with beet sugar and other produce, so we are left high and dry.  When we ask for continuation of trade relations with the U.S It is asking America to consider that our present condition was imposed on us in 1907. Is it fair now that U.S is going to leave us? We want political Independence with the American free trade.It will be difficult with the present American psych.. We are relying on the Americans sense of fairness and justice and on a clearer explanation to America.

Farm lobby headed by Chester Gray has succeeded, plump little man.

Army - Navy

We ask what are the interests in the Far East? If they want to maintain Army and Navy here we won’t raise objections.

But military experts in the U.S. repeatedly state that the Philippines cannot be defended against Japanese aggression. It would be a moral influence. It would be a stabilising force, we’d welcome it.

Church bells, steamers and big sirens. People running round, crackers.

Friendly attitude of Philippine gratitude to U.S.A, unselfish, has done a great deal.

Oct 1907 - first Philippine Assembly inaugurated.

MARCH 26 - Japan leaves the League of Nations.

Robert Aura Smith

"Japanese are in the Philippines

1) Textiles 9% to 30%

2) They control 40% of the production of Hemp

3) Power, fishing all controlled by Japan, U.S had 4yrs.

Japan in 1934 handled 12.5% of the total Philippine trade imports sold to the Philippines.  20.5 million pesos bought from Phil. 8.5 million pesos. Only 3% of the Philippine exports go to Japan. 12% to Jap.

If Americans left there would be corruption, dictatorship of man who could pay army. Just like central American State. Japan would be forced in, even if she didn’t want to come. She is in, it would be an invitation for intervention. Great mismanagement in local affairs, receipts would go down, couldn’t maintain amenities.

a) Retail - bargains drive against the Chinese. Mitsui and Mitsubishi give unlimited credits, selling general goods.

b) Control of Raw Material - Hemp - Davao regular port. Aust to Japan big Shipping facilities. Government connection between ~ hemp importers, plus have always stripped hemp by hand and the Japs have begun doing it by machine.

1928 - Japs have the largest area producing hemp in the world,

40% of the output controls the price.

Steel wire can do what Hemp can, steel cable has same strength at 1/3 of the diameter of fibre hemp cable, replacing hemp. Output getting smaller, Hemp used to be the most important product. Now sugar, coconut, tobacco (Other uses of Hemp? Barrett says steel used for ***)

Davao - 15,000 Japanese, main street just like Japanese city, all Japanese signs.

1919 - Alien Land Law - aliens could not own land, Japs married native women, have the land, and chase the wild women back to the hills. Illegal land leases in name of Philippine, then hire tillage contract with Philippine. Philippine would hire Jap at 25 centaros a year for tilling the land. Jap might pay 1,000 peso’s for getting the lease.

50,000 hectares under lease and cultivated by the Japs, about 1/2 under illegal leases.

Sometimes Japs bribe officials to lease land to a Philippine who does not exist. Strong strategy to gain foothold.

1) One conducts

2) One port of call

Tariff suggested, of the tariff on textiles, Consul stated that, that would have serious consequences.

In University.

Recommendation by the Governor General to the *iet consul said it was very ill - advised.

Clash - Chinese and Japanese

(Charles Dunn - Chinese Consul - Mok - vice Consul)

Amazing - Chromium - Dec 26th, 1935

Gold - Richest ton for ton mine in the world. This years

production - 1935 - est. 36 million peso’s

1934 — 22 million - Gold.

Other sources in Rhodesia and Macedonia - Price $20 a ton, plus can sell it at half that price and make a profit, (war $200 a ton).

Rael Co

Princess Pat Beauty Product Make-up, from the first to the last flick of the eyelid, learn charm. Princess Pat bids you Goodni ght.

American Radio - give storage in the Far East. America - For Can*.

Philippines - the Ireland of the Pacific - Cry for independence, but don’t want it.

This programme comes over

Only one Japanese citizen has become naturalised. They all remain Japanese, and the old folk return to Japan.

Talk with engineer. Why Britain wants U.S.A to remain in the Philippines.

1) Singapore - One reason why building up is because U.S.A. is leaving.

2) India - It’ll have an effect in India if the Americans leave another Asiatic country.

Hindu here said "We’d make more noise than that if we had our independence".

3) Australia - on Saturday night when Constitution granted and Commonwealth began only about 500 Philippino’s in square, a few shouts, few crackers and ships hooted for 5 minutes.

No enthusiasm, I asked one man what he thought, said "Commonwealth means that everything is to be divided amongst ourselves"

Common wealth

Idea rife that when the Americans go there will be no more taxes

- farmers etc.

Great mistake, America is paying $7 million in gold a year for the army. Navy and Army don’t cost the Philippines a cent. There’ll be taxes galore to pay.  There’ll be trouble when the reckoning comes, when the politicians are found out. Too many lawyers and too many doctors being produced. That leads to trouble eg. India.  I don’t think the U.S. will leave, the raw materials here are too rich, Chromium, Gold, Asphalt - cakes of it. Only in the last two years has the richness of the Philippines been realised. Never been thoroughly explored.

If Japan conquers the island I believe it’ll be a conquest to commerce. They’re conquering retail and pushing the Chinese out. Look at all the bargains - cheap etc.

The white races are losing out to the Far East.

The Great Sugar Racket

U.S pays Philippines so many millions not to cultivate sugar.

Trick to make more money.

Gueyon is the son of a priest.

Catholics owing a tremendous amount here.

In China we’re supplying the very machinery which is leading to our doom.

Chromium - is used for making tools, or tool steel. It’s so strong, hence make for boring rifles.


If the Americans leave there’ll be exactly the same as in Spain -confiscation of church lands, hatred of the influence of the priests proving they are very rich, controls the land.

That’s why the politicians rejected womens suffrage, the women are greatly influenced by the priests.

The politicians feel that in power they are handicapped by the priests.

The greatest ambition of a Philippino is to sit in a politicians office as chief in town, but even then he is only the No 2 man in the town. (General Wood Hotel 6.30 oR) treated tenants severely.

Tuesday March ?

Forrest - A big British exporting and exporting firm, cool big rooms, below smell of the farm, copra and hemp smell, big bales. Through the window the ships.

"Japan is killing British trade, piece goods are down, shipping hit. The Japs don’t quite control as much as 40% of the hemp. In shipping they give as much rebate as 30 centaros on a bale of hemp."

Rebates and commission

"Blue Funnel is hit by Japanese competition. The British would prefer the Americans to remain, because the Japs would absolutely kill the trade by tariffs etc.

I don’t think the Americans will go out, there will be a compromise. People here are in a fix, and the politicians can’t back out without losing face."


Japs are capturing the sugar and shipping to U.S. trade.

There is a conference rate on freight, but the Japs have methods of giving the commission and rebates, they’ll give an agency etc. Hemp to Japan is processed entirely in Japanese bottoms. The Japs have the advantage of new fast boats, while ours are old. Then the Japs can provide boats at any time. They make a big profit because the Yen is low, pay sailors little and subsidy. The Japs have smashed our woollen trades as well as cotton goods, we used to sell machinery also."

(Jazz on wireless all day,  Give quotes from newspapers, American influence, Dorothy Dix)

"We used to carry goods to the U.S also, but there we’re beaten by the Japs."


Philippine Mining News Feb 1935

"Just as gold, for years forgotten and despised, is coming to the fore, spreading over the Philippines a mantle of prosperity, so chromium and that little known metal magnesium become soon a great source of wealth to the Philippines.   Chromium is ever present where unusual toughness is required in steel, Is an important constituent of battleships’ armour plate, Its uses are every day becoming greater with new discoveries."

"Metallic Chromium is bluish white in colour, it possesses a high lustre and takes a brilliant polish. It’s hardness is approximate to that of a sapphire, it’s scratch hardness is 2,000 compared with 1,950 for case hardened steel, 750 for ordinary steel and 408 for Swedish iron.  Resistance to corrosion is remarkable, humidity, rain, sea water hardly affect it and it’s resistance to corrosion from sulphur compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and others existing In petroleum and rubber dough is extremely high.

Chromium occurs in several minerals, chromite is only one of importance.   Chromium gives steel a resistance to impact that makes it’s use In battleship armour plating a necessity. Bright shining strips of the Empire State Building show Imperviousness to weather beatings.

With the exception of Russia and Japan all large consuming countries have to import Chromlte ores. In 1928, U.S used 55% of the entire world’s consumption while it’s production was only 0.2% of the worlds total. Southern Rhodesia - 1st place.


Total production of crude Chromite - 601,545 long tons

Cuba 52,950

S.Rhodesia 261,710

Un. S. Af. 62,000

Russia 29,525

Yugoslavia 42,343

India 49,500

New Cal 51,700

Great Britain —

Japan 9,000

World latest Chromite production

1931 - world output - 371,500 metric tons

J.RR 22%

USSR 18%

New Cal 17%

Yugoslavia 15%

Japan 2%

Chromium is of all the base metals, the least affected by the depression.

Market price, standard grade Chromite between $20 and $21, Atlantic Coast. 1931 - 33% of the total production originated in the British Empire.

Vital importance in a war, in the world war, the U.S Government had to subsidise domestic Chromite producers. U.S has to rely on foreign imports of Chromite for the very existance of sea fighters. Tremendous possibilities.

Catholic Independence

Two views, 1) That growing jealousy of the church leading to a situation such as in Spain, confiscation of lands etc. Church will fight for unity with the U.S.

2) That the Roman Catholics will see the opportunity of dominating the islands and lessening toleration and fighting against the protestants. The Roman Catholics have control over the politicians. Politicians will carry out what the Catholics say. Roman Catholics will be for independence. 80 - 90% catholic.

Talk - don’t think that the U.S will leave the islands.

But there is a growing feeling against too much domination by the church. There have been conversions to Protestants since the U.S came here.

Highest standard In the Far East.

Turner - Catholic Situation

The priests will talk independence here, they’ll be afraid of losing the support of the masses, but in America they’ll fight against independence, they’ll try to influence congress.

J Jones Bill 1916, democratic bill awards ~ what liberalised the rule here, promised independence, had 31 Democrats against it, of which 29 were Catholic.

The priests will fear the liberals who fight.

Liberals - We hate the attacks of the priests on the school system. They are reactionary. Masses of priests are coming in from Mexico and Spain and are reactionary.

Therefore Liberal Politicians think that there is too much toleration, that the church has too great a say. Also the church rules from Rome, why should we exchange dependence upon Washington for dependence upon Rome.

The Papal delegate here is all powerful, the monasteries here are packed with Spaniards.

Catholics are exceedingly rich, they own Two great banks, they have great companies, they have great stretches of land.

U.S have prevented the ill - treatment of priests, eg Priest had relations with wives or daughters, all the archbishop did was to send him to another province, said the instruction came from Rome.

Rome is determined to make the Philippines one of the last resorts of the church.

American Priests come here and think they can liberalise the church, but as soon as they come, they are carefully looked after and are afraid even to dine with the protestants.

Suffrage bill was passed with a string on it that there would have to have plebiscite with 300,000 women votes for women’s suffrage. Politicians were afraid of the women being influenced by the priests.

Communism strong in the Rice fields of the North.

Dark Grey Oxen in the streets - like Rhinocerous


Mr Dattimor - Danish Consul (Dutch)

It’ll be a disaster if the Americans leave the Philippines. Wages will be reduced by about 75%, sugar will be ruined, because now sugar goes in duty free. The Americans won’t want to defend the Philippines if they leave. The Philippines will have to build up it’s own army or navy.  There’ll be an Invitation for another country to come in because there’ll be internal trouble. Philippines are a medley of races. The Morocs won’t want to be under the Philippino’s, there’ll be rioting and bloodshed. (saw the boats with hemp, yellow water. children splashing in it.)  Americans have had different method of colonization from Java, we keep the natives down. But there is no independence movement in the Dutch East Indies. I don’t think the Philippines will influence that.

On the other hand, the natives will see how disastrous is independence. Japanese textiles are smashing American textiles. Now 1,000 boxes of American, but, 6,000 Jap come in every month.

Governor Murphy has signed the sugar limitation bill, which sets a tentative quote of 600,000 short tons of sugar to be shipped to the U.S during 1935. Limitation of 952,000 short tons (850,000 long tons)

Justice Santos

Under the new constitution our rights are greatly increased.

1) Supreme Court - will be composed completely of Philippinos,- now many Americans.

2) Education - Department of Public Education, which is now under   the Governor General goes under the Philippinos.

3) Health - now under the Gov. General goes to the Philippino’s

The Gov. General goes, and the High Commissioner, who has the right of intervening when matters affecting the bonded indebting to the U.S come up he reports to the President.  The President has the right of veto over the bills.

Hope of some permanent relationship with the U.S with free trade.

"Sugar industry is being smashed. The Cal rice interests are fighting against us, but movement for the continuation of the Commonwealth, very small. Roman Catholics are not one way or the other.

We have the right to start our army now.  Japs would try to control the trade of the Philippines.

Lawyer - To have the U.S navy here would be a blessing in disguise. We’d have protection against the Japanese. We can’t afford to build a navy, we can have an army and buy a few aeroplanes. But we could do nothing against the Japs."

They all shrug their shoulders when I ask about the Japs. "Apres nous le deluge"

On the floor, an old Spaniard held paper, "Love Nest Bits" - The biggest candy value in the world, cherry flavour. Intramuros.

Pickering - Book

Sugar was 63% of the exports of the Philippines in 1932.

In 10 years - a gradually increasing duty is placed against

Philippine sugar until it is all outside the tariff wall.

U.S goods will have free entry during the 10 yr period.

1932 $44,000,000 of American goods sold in the Philippines, 6th best market.  Bulk of the revenue of the Philippines is derived from land taxes, land values will shrink at least 70%, leaving the Government without funds.

President Bocoba University

"The youth do not think of economic problems, they just think of freedom".

Q "What do they think of Japan?"

"They don’t think of Japan, they believe in freedom, they have faith in the country."

Q "What do you think of Japan?"

"Japan is a problem which will have to be faced and will certainly have to be faced."

Q "How are you going to face it?"

"We must face it boldly, bravely, courageously, we must take risks for independence. Rather independence with a risk than no independence. There’s no radicalism here in the university, just don’t think of the economical side."

"The youth is imbued with freedom, they read Patrick Henry’s "Liberty or Death". They gloat over speeches of Lincoln. They revel in the Declaration of Independence with its platitudes.

They study Burke on colonisation with America, John Stuart Mill, on Lib. and some study De Valera "The Irish Movement".

"We hope that we’ll be able to change some of the economic regulations. The youth revolted against the Haws Cutting Act because of American Military Control. The Naval base here of the Americans will be little more than a coaling station".

Cooke - Difficulty will be that most favoured nation clause will stand in the way of Reciprocity Treaty. The Japs can buy wheat from the U.S., mill it and sell it to the Philippines at less than the Americams can direct.

Philippines - Source of Necessities (Jan 1935) (American Chamber of Commerce)

Coconut Oil - is the most abundant and convenient source ot glycerine, an ingredient of high explosives including T.N.T. This glycerine is a by - product of the preparation of Coconut oil for the manufacture of soap and is 5% or more of the volume of the oil.

As the largest single source of coconut oil, the Philippines are likewise the largest source of glycerine. Coconut oil is on the contraband list of all countries at war, each wants it and tries to keep enemies away.

When the Central Powers resorted to gas warfare, using chlorine and phosgene gases, the gas mask was the defence. It is a breathing shield containing a medium for filtering the gas from air. Charcoal Is such a medium, charcoal was used. It was found that the charcoal of the coconut shell absorbed the gases best, America obtained this charcoal.

Thus Philippine coconuts yield two basic war materials, coconut oil and coconut shell charcoal.

Future - gases and glycerine more pressing need.

Submarines are next, war and needs of shipping. Philippine forests yield various woods useful in shipbuilding, including the tough blocks fitted around propeller shafts. Some of the woods are suitable for decking, others make prime spars and masts. Potential supply is enormous.

(Mod - war entails shipbuilding on a large scale)

Ropes and cables on the ships are best made from hard fibre, Manila hemp. No other rigging equals that made of Manila hemp. Only steel cable matches manila hemp in strength, while falling below it in flexibility. For some time past, Japan has been the largest single buyer of manila hemp.

Iron - Philippines abundant, widely distributed and of percentage high quality. Philippines are a potential source of iron tc Japan.

Manganese and Chromite - U.S stands in need of these. Judge John W. Haussermann, leader in mining says:"Preliminary work has indicated millions of tons of high grade chrome ore, whose value from a military and political standpoint Is inestimable.

Supplies In the U.S. consist chiefly of low grade ores, expensive and insufficient."

"Reserves of those ores could be set down in the US at low cost to the government, and constitute a tremendous reservoir of strength in army circles under which war materials are needed. It is no secret that other powers have cast eager and covetous eyes on these deposits".

If there were war in the Pacific that engaged Japan, she would possess herself of the Philippines because they are a natural warehouse of many essentials of war fare.

In any great conflict in the Pacific, the Philippines must become worse than a Belgium in Western Europe. They must become a main objective of that war, territory for spoliation.

It is the last absurdity to believe the Philippines are a military liability to the U.S. Possession of them is a military asset. For you certainly do more by having them, against an enemy seizing them than you could do by not having them. Possessing them you can prepare some defence, you can be ready to harry the enemy a bit in the last extremity by army and raising the hustings against him. You can make his acts in seizing your property infamous in the eyes of the world and perhaps gain the support of the nations for your arms. You can rouse pity for the plight of the inhabitants, your enemy having ruthlessly violated their dominion and neutrality, all which will make your side righteous and your enemy’s sinful and savage.

No country engaged in greater war can persist to triumph without the war necessities the Philippines provide.

Advert in The Critic - "If you are looking for prosperity, kindly go elsewhere for your reading matter" - The Critic.

In the Constitution there was stress laid on giving many powers to the President because feared that there will be stress.


Dorothy Dix :- "Never!" Would be concensus of most married people when asked ih they would marry present mates again"

Hairbreadth Harry, Mutt and Jeff, - Fritzi Ritz comic strip.

Mutt and Jeff.

Little man goes to get position as floor walker -

M - "How old were you on your last birthday?"

Jeff — "38"

M - "How old next birthday?"

Jeff — "40"

M - "Ridiculous! How?"

Jeff "I’m 39 today"

Am - Soda Fountain, Coca Cola, Banana split, Merry wiaow, Heavenly Twins, Special Seattle Sundae, Broadway Soda.

Note - Customs statistics for 1934 give Japanese - China (for Manchukuo).

Carnival - Mickey Mouse and his Wife side show.

Mrs M. M are coming to the Manila Carnival from Honolulu.

Film Advert:- "You will soon be singing ‘There’s a bit of Paree in you’"

The biggest boon to the Philippine sugar industry:- American

Sweets Inc. Manufacturers of Mickey Mouse Bubble Gum and Bloney

Bubble Gum, mail in your wrappers for prizes.

Thursday March 2?. 1935 Dean Benitev

Jap influence

1) Constitution - land laws, keep Japs out.

2) All Philippine citizens not born

3) Penal colony in Davao in order to have grip.

4) Emigration from N to Mindanao, from the North.

When I proposed in the Constituent Assembly that all those born here should become Philippine citizens, there was great opposition, Japanese would become citizens, although that is the American Law.  Americans pushing us to Japan, bitterness will grow, The Critic represents that.  Look at the news in the papers. American interests trying to smash us. They’re trying to keep out our coconut oil, our cordage, our cigars.  If that goes on we’ll be forced to have closer relations with Japan and much as we are sentimentally attached to the U.S, feeling will grow that we’ve been abandoned and betrayed by the U.S. and this will throw us into the arms of Japan.

This movement is small now. Pio Duran has just gone to Manchukuo. He’ll come back to say that there’s been a triumph there. The Japs will want to control us and send advisors etc. commercial rather than military.  There’ll be two trends,

1) Pro - American & 2) Pro - Japan, of course nearly all now are pro - American, but there’ll be a reaction if the U.S. goes on treating us as they do.  Radicalism is strong in the North for land reasons. We have a policy to send the peasants down to Mindanao to counteract growing Japanese influence. Also the penal colony is there, so released prisoners will be able to have land there.


Roman Catholics

We have a pact in the constitution, a clause that makes it possible to appropriate church lands. This is a peaceful revolution. Catholics tried to stop that, but failed, showing feelings of independence from the church.

There is a feeling of religious nationalism against domination by Rome. The population does not like Spanish priests, reminds us of our revolt against Spain. The church will adapt itself, they are going to appoint Philippino bishops.

The Mayor was talking to the Archbishop and the Archbishop expressed mistrust of the Y.M.C.A. "Look here" said the Mayor who is a Catholic "If the church attacks institutions like the Y.M.C.A. and is reactionary there’s always Mexico and Spain to remember"

The Church thinks that independence will increase their power.

Article XII Sec 4 - The Nat Assembly may authorise, upon payment and just compensation, the appropriation of lands to be subdivided into small lots and conveyed at cost to individuals.

Pen Pals wanted - Philippines free Press

Vicente Rompal seeks pen pals in all parts of the globe. Five feet Three inches tall and weighing 44 kilos, his chief hobbies are playing the Ukelele, writing articles and playing ping pong. His principle ambition is to become a famed violinist some day.

The Varsitaria Organisation of the University on Santa Tomas Feb 25, 1935:-

"Religious indifference in the schools has become almost a tradition, a fixture of the history of our public schools. Under the guise of ‘religious toleration’ it has retrograded and degenerated into suppression of religion.

Mr Luy - China could not be a good market for our sugar because chaos even to produce high grade sugar, China wants poor grade. Dairy farmers forget that we are the best market for canned milk, cheese etc. Declining market for piece goods, STEEL *out for chromium and Manganese. Coconut Oil is rival to cottonseed oil, makes oleomargarine.

Two factors why the Americans should stay.

1) Air transport - Prestige etc. - but centre to Malayan countries.

2) Philippines as centre of distribution in the Far East - No - trade direct to ~

Ireland now produces all her sugar.

American psychology may change, now under emergency psychology, isolation. If any recovery, might return to the expansion idea.

Chinese Vice -Consul

Retail trade of the Chinese has declined from about 80% to 50%. The Chinese had stores in each village. Philippines did not trade very much. Then the Phils started and the Japs started.

Main reason for Japs success was the anti - Jap boycott. Chinese merchants refused to import Jap goods, so the Japs had to set up the stores themselves.

Commonwealth Association

Mercury Editior - Lopez Queyon will in time come out for the continuation of the commonwealth. He’s just waiting for public opinion to turn.

The Herald also is sitting on the fence and will turn in time.

Music Hall - American Jazz with Philippine girls. Afterwards prima donna outside was met by old hag and taken away.

Foreign Trade of the Philippines (Am. Tr. Comm.)

Adverse balance in the Orient. There seems very little chance that there could be a favourable balance with the oriental Japan as an industrial nation is steadily and rapidly increasing its exports to the Philippines and though it is the largest Oriental importer of Philippine products, there was an unfavourable visible balance of P5,441,000.

Japan would undoubtedly take Philippine cotton if it should be raised in sufficient quantity for export at a competetive price.

Japan can hardly be considered as sugar importer or as an importer of any Philippine product enough to balance the exports.

Imports from Japan - in Pesos Imports from U.S

Phil total import trade imports S total imports


1906 — 1,791,256 17% 36%

1908 - 2,656,000 17% 32%

1910 - 5,287,900 40% 43%

1912 - 6,100,000 40%

1914 — 7,267,000 50% 51%

1916 — 9,439,000 51%

1918 — 26,208,000 60%

1920 — 32,1.78,000 298 million 63%

1922 — 17,000,000 160 " 60%

1924 — 17,000,000 216 " 57% 72%

1926 — 23,227,000 238 " 61%

1928 — 25,860,000 269 63%

1929 — 23,879,000 294 " 63%

1930 — 25,912,000 246 " 64% 80%

1931 — 21,953,000 198 " 63% 81%

1932 - 12,310,000 158 " 65% 87%

1933 — 11,363,204 134 " 65% 87%

1934 — 19,770,000 131 " 63% 86%

Don’t forget ** in US prices. Take Square metres.

Notice - Eat Philippine Sugar, It’s good for you and it’s good for the Philippines.

Annual per capita consumption of sugar:— Denmark - 56 Kilos, Australia - 55 Kilos, U.S - 54 Kilos,

U.K - 46 Kilos, Japan - 10 Kilos.

Defeatism of British people here, they say "We’re being killed by Japan", but when you look up figures, eg in shipping, you find it’s very much exaggerated.

Qutrino - Sec of Finance

Mignati - The way to stop the Japanese is to send ministers to Davao.

Check Jap advances or any other foreign occupation.

We distribute the land into small parcels (not like Cuba) and distribute sicent*.?

We send from thickly populated, subsidised colonies, we build homes for them, farming implements after clearing the land, after the Canadian and Utah systems. First general scheme of permanent character.

The state is going to regulate the amount of land owned. To prevent the expansion of big land owners, we’ve learned a lesson from Cuba. The land will only be achieved by Philippine citizens, we must obtain solidarity.

Constitution - latest we’ve gone through world history. Japs would like a contiguous area and we’ll prevent it. We Philippines tend to dictatorship. Therefore we give a lot of rights to the President, which can make him almost into a dictator.


Davao lived through 13 yrs own hemp and coconut ~

Plantations - What strikes us is the permanency of the Jap buildings, all done for the future.

Robb - It’ll be terrible to go out, just condemning these people to suffering. It’ll lead to Malaysian independence movement, have results in the Dutch East Indies.


There’ll be a 70% drop in exports, 40% of the production of the factories and farmers etc are for exports.  Biggest source of high grade iron ore in the Far East.  The decision on continuing the commonwealth will depend mainly on the question: America to abandon the Far East or not?

There would be no campaign in U.S of interests wanting trade, because they are too scattered and badly organised. The steel interests will not organise to combat a diplomatic policy of leaving the Far East.

Britain very much opposed to our leaving, will affect Hong Kong and Shanghai. Personally I want a reciprocity arrangement. There will be chaos here, inviting the Japanese to come in.

Recent increase of Japanese trade and confidence.

(British films in Manila - Gaumont - Brit 1.Chu Chin Chow,

2. Evergreen).

The Royal Institute, - The Royal Road to Hollywood, we fully equip you for a career in the following branches of the Stage and

Motion Pictures, Dramatic Stage and Motion Pictures, Tap Dancing,

Ballet Dancing, Elocution, Poise and Physical D***.

Cinema - what will be the effect of the sun in "Mystery of Edwin Wood", where one man calls other a dark in a fight?

Prof Bayer

1) Neutralisation will be impossible. Will Britain ...? No.

Will Dutch ...? No.

Japan will only if Philippine protectorate.

2) Movement will soon grow, shall we abandon Christians to non -christians, to heathens like the Japs? Preachers will say this in the U.S.

3) Priests will have the same argument and bring pressure to bear in Washington.

4) Mohammedism is growing in the S. Islands, 50,000 converts last year among the Moros.

5) Britain and Holland are very alarmed about the U.S. leaving.

6) A general movement might spring up among Malays everywhere.

French in Indo - China are (like the Americans) retiring from Yunnan.

There’ll be growth of the movement to continue the link. University Noticeboard

The educational trip to Japan under the patronage of the Japanese Consulate General in Manila.

W. Cameroon Forbes. The Philippine Islands - Houghton Muffler Co 1928


The only christian people in the Orient.

46 million acres of virgin forests, strategic position.

Von Bulow - "The control of the sea in the end may rest on the question of who rules the Philippines, directly or indirectly".

Numerous good natural harbours, Mindanao - largest deposit of Iron - 500,000,000 metric tons of ore.

Caraboa - domesticated Water Buffalo.

From 1440 until 1565, Northern Luyon was sometimes held by Japanese adventurers.

From early records it appears that the Japanese began trading in the Islands in the latter part of the 15th century for gold, pearls and especially for a rare kind of pottery known as ‘Luzon ware’, which is highly prized in Japan as receptacles for the leaves of tea used ceremonially by the Japanese nobility.

"This Japanese trade increased rapidly during the 16th century, but came to an abrupt end early in the 17th C."

An old Japanese book (p. 39)mentions an unsuccessful attempt to conquer the archipelago in 1540. The Spaniards on their arrival in Manila in 1570 found a small Japanese colony there, and the Japs had maintained a settlement in N. Luyon until it was destroyed by the Spaniards in 1582.

Die (p.40), Hideyoshi sent embassy to Manila demanding submission from the Japs threat of invasion. Spanish recognising inability to repel invasion sent gifts, actually paid tribute. Sent 1st elephant seen in Japan.

1578 Sir Francis Drake touched the coast of Luyon (p.42). 1762 occupied by British forces (p.43)

(p.63) Dewey’s quote "The effect of victory precipitated a new element in the mastering of the Pacific, in the international rivalry for trade advantage in the populous Orient. Hitherto the U.S had been considered as a second class power, whose foreign policy was an unimportant factor beyond the three mile limit of the American hemisphere. By a mornings battle we had secured a base in the Far East at a juncture in international negotiations when the parcelling out of China among the European powers seemed imminent". Autobiography 250-1.

British interests eg at Manila - 1898 (p.68).

Conditions like Cuba (p.82) American Consul Williams at Manila reported to the Secretary of State, Feb 22, 1898.

"Conditions here and in Cuba are practically alike. A republic is organised here as in Cuba. Insurgents are being armed and drilled, are rapidly increasing in numbers and efficiency".

(p. 141) Problem was the ownership of the lands which had been acquired by the Friars in Spanish days and the right of the friars to these lands, which was disputed by the tenants who had almost risen in rebellion against them and were declining to pay the rent demanded by the religious orders.

Insurgent tradition - brigandage.

The highly centralized Spanish system tended to discourage initiative on the part of local administration. There was a system of privilege and corruption.

The appointed officials systematically enriched themselves, and wherever supervision was relaxed, the old order of things immediately cropped up again.

(p.186) The Americans found the Filipinos were very far from understanding the fundamental principles of a democracy. Their training, their habit of mind had been all towards absolutism.

Governor Taft wrote in 1902 "They have very little practical conception of individual liberty as it has been hammered out in Anglo Saxon countries by hundreds of years of conflict. In spite of eloquent tributes to liberty and freedom even the most advanced and practical of the Fil. party leaders find it difficult to regard with favour limitations of the executive in favour of the liberty of the individual when the right man is in the executive. The tendency among them is always toward absolutism in the president of the town, in the governor of the province and in the representative of the central government".

Until 1906 American troops were engaged in field operations of a dangerous and exhausting character against guerilla bands and the Batanges and other provinces of Luyon, or against similar outlaws and religious fanatics in islands of the Visages. Eg General John J Pershing was promoted from the grade of captain of cavalry to Brigadier General on Sept 20, 1906, in recognition of his brilliant and successful campaign against the Lake Hanao Moro’s, who had never submitted to the sovereignity of Spain.

Four years up to the end of June 1905. Bandits and insurgents captured and surrendered 9,155, killed 2,504.

Lt Col. John Roberts White - "With the Philippine constabulary," Boston Evening Transcript, May 13, 1913. "Bands of robbers infested the jungles on the mountain sides and the sparsely cultivated lands outside town limits. Their rapid and rapacious raids spared none, a trail of blood and fire showed where they had passed. Banditing in some form or other has been for centuries a recognised and almost tolerated institution in Far Eastern countries and particularly in the Malayan possessions of European powers. In the Philippines during the whole period of Spanish rule the "Tubisanes" made travel unsafe even in the provinces nearest to the capital. Today banditry is practically extinct throughout the islands."

In 1904 - 5, the methods of the outlaws became fairly well systematized. Each leader of a band had his territory defined and had an understanding with other bandits that they were to keep out of that region (not muscle in). The chief levied tribute upon the property owners. Those who refused to pay suffered and some of the more terrible outlaws attained a very sinister reputation by their atrocities. It was wise for property owners who had beautiful young girls growing up in their families to send them away, otherwise they might be requisitioned to be sent to the outlaw camp. In case their terms and conditions were not complied with, some of the outlaws went so far as to threaten to put out the eyes of the children of the land owners". By 1908 all over.

"Filipinos are prone to organise secret societies and in some of them they have secret passwords, mystic emblems and rituals."

Effects on tribal people - see II 284 bankruptcy.

Working in Library heard Ra - ra shouts of college students, American students went to see Pope "Holy Father, Ra ra!"


Shadow ~j Jaian (Article j~..

1) 60% capitalism in Japan

2) no licences in 25 yrs is bad, doesn’t give enough stability - not sufficient inducement for capitalists to undertake the risk

of surveying and development of unknown and doubtful min* regions.

Ministerial discretion is big here.

Expropriation - 1)Japs, 2) church can seize the estates. The people are not so keen on the church.

General terms, general provisions in order that they can be used in Davao.

Sunday - went to sugar plantation club with Herbert Wahie, saw

Philippine funeral, gay laughing, Jazz band (they play The Frothblowers Anthem), coloured shirts with rose designs, Fighting

Cocks, gambling.  Gambling is legal when there is a funeral and body in the house, some people hire out bodies to gamblers.

Bales of hemp through the streets on lorries, wagons with coarse tobacco.


Lawyers comment:- "Article XII (Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources) has some very unwise provisions which will certainly handicap enterprise.

Section 1 (Art.XII) seems to be paving the way for the establishment of a bureaucratic (autocratic) administration with which the National Assembly (the people’s reps) cannot interfere. The announcement that all agriculture, timber and mineral lands of the public domain etc., belong to "the state" would seem to rest unlimited power in the hands of administrative officers who will be running the state.

"Natural resources with the exception of public agricultural land shall not  alienated".

This means that a handful of autocratic officials will dominate the utilisation of the public domain and that every opportunity will be presented for profit and favouritism.

No investor of capital will feel free to develop or expand because of the danger of having his business hobbled by Government interference.

XII section 6 elaborates the dangerous principle of Government intervention and confiscation which it provides that the Government may take over any private enterprise. This is effective at all times, so that any time officials of the state got the idea that any certain private enterprise would be a nice thing to be milked, the state, "may, upon payment of just compensation transfer to public ownership utilities and other private enterprises to be operated by the Government".

Not only is the way paved for the Government to launch into business in competition with individual citizens but private enterprises will always feel the sword hanging over their heads.

If at any time administrative officials decided that the Government finances needed bolstering up, they could confiscate in the name of the state any profitable gold mine.

American Trade Commissioner’s Report Dec 7, 1934

1933 Exports of the total Philippine exports of P211,542,000 in

1933, P183,456,000 or 87% went to the U.S. Of the latter amount,

P165 million represents products protected by the American tariffs. Exports to other countries amounted in 1933 to only P28,000,000.  Total exports would be reduced by 70% if free trade were withdrawn.

Sugar - practically all to the U.S.

The cost of production in the Philippines is high when compared with costs in Cuba and Java. Present cost, c.i.f. New York

averages $0.02717 a pound, compared with the Cuban cost of $0.01923 ($0.02823 duty paid) and the Java cost of about

$0. 010175.

The higher cost of producing Philippine sugar is due partly to lower production per acre as compared with Java, partly to higher wages and partly to other factors.

To compete with Java it is necessary to : -

1) severely write down capital investment

2) reduce wages by at least 50%

3) devalue peso thus reducing the standard of living to an extremely severe degree, which would involve the gravest risk of revolution against the new government.

"Even if costs could be reduced to the Java level, it would be very difficult to find markets, as most oriental countries are

now self - sufficient in sugar and protecting the industry with high tariffs."

(Japan / Formosa)

Cigar manufacturers claim that the industry could not stand even  the export tax of 5% of the American duty to be imposed in the 6th year, pointing out that it would increase the landed cost of the most popular grade of Philippine cigars from $16.50 per one thousand to $21.00 and that the market would not take them at that price.

Substitute markets would not easily be found, as most European countries have tobacco monopolies, and duties on cigars are universally high.

Cotton, textile imports - The Philippines continued in 1933 to be the largest American export market for cotton textiles.

"American textiles are finding it increasingly difficult to compete against the Japanese goods under the present tariff and would be able to retain only a small part of the business with free trade".

Condensed Milk - Japan is persisting in trying to enter the market. The largest export market for American dairy products. Imports from the U.S would be reduced from P87 million to P20, 000, 000.


The proportion of Philippine trade carried in American ships has fallen off notably in the past 7 years, from 49% in 1927 to 29% in 1933 and 29.5% in the first 9 months of 1934. Norwegian, Danish and Japanese ships seem to have been the chief gainers.

Jap share in carrying exports - in Peso’s

Exports total exports

1920 39,700,000

1922 17,500,000

1924 14,500,000

1926 25,000,000

1928 28,000,000 310,000,000

1930 48,000,000 266,000,000

1931 45,000,000 207,000,000

1932 49,500,000 190,000,000

1933 53,400,000 211,000,000

1934 44,900,000 (Jan to Sept) 182,000,000


Philippine Magazine - "The so called regalion system fit in with the general system of private ownership and could today be consistently defended only by those who favour the institution of a completely totalitarian state.

To restrict the lease and sale of public lands to relatively small areas is not wise in a country so undeveloped as the Philippines. Keeps vast tracts idle.

Provision of 60% capitalism. This would have the effect of practically barring all foreign capital, say British. We would be playing directly into the hands of an oriental aggression by keeping European capital out.

One delegate saw fit to sign contract in blood.

"The Philippines is not open to alien colonization, the land laws are on the whole wise and just and were enacted to prevent precisely that. The government must enforce these laws in Davao as elsewhere.

Monday April 1st

Talk with and Episc. clergyman. "There’ll be growing feeling against the church".

The Governor General said to me "I’m afraid that in 40 years time the Roman Catholic church will have to fight for it’s life". There will be confiscation of lands just as in Spain and Mexico.

"The feeling among my tenants Is most bitter and It will grow with suffering. The arch bishop is the biggest capitalist in the land and the Catholics are very mercenary.

Two mestigos (Am & Phil) wanted to marry, the priest said "80 pesos" which was a months salary for the young man.

The young man wanted to marry a week earlier, "can’t have church" well want to "that will be 25 peso extra".

The church hates the Y.M.C.A fighting against it.

The priests are opposed by a number of politicians who are only renegade catholics.

Church has been meddling in education. Priests objected to the shorts of the girls for sports. Politicians said - "do you want the church to lose its influence?" Priests tried to influence the girls at the confessional.

The high charges for marriage lead to immorality, priests always after money.

There’s an agricultural revolution on the way, revolt strong against cacyni landowners.

Church  Spain

Jan 1932 - Cortes enacted a law dissolving the Jesuit order, confiscating their property, mostly used for higher education and valued at over $30 million.

March 24, 1933 approved law for the nationalisation of all Catholic Church property, valued at about $500 million, including churches, episc, palaces, rectories, seminaries etc and all ornaments and pictures etc.


Confiscation of churches, expulsion of bishops, priests and nuns from 10 states and the closing of all but state schools.

In two states every church has been closed and in some states, only one priest is allowed for every 100,000. The Mexican Government seized more than 150 churches. All churches have become the property of the nation and this covers even the confiscation of private homes in which a priest celebrates mass or baptises.

The Philippine Statistical Revjew~ 1934

The value of imports from Japan to the Philippines increased 82.10% from 1933 to 1934, from 11,363,204 pesos to 20,692,548 pesos.

Cotton cloth - Imports from 1934 1933

Sq Meters Val Sq Meters Val

U.S 43,310,000 P11,500,000 67,711,000 P12,400,000

Jap 56,356,982 P7,500,000 23,600,000 P2,400,000

G.B 3,424,304 P1,100,000 2,800,00

Jap 1934 — 3,536,000 1933 — 1,254,000 Kilos

Fish — Jap 1934 - 4,192,000 1933 — 1,965,576


Mon April 1st

The Japs have cargo boats built like cruisers which can do 23 knots an hour. What cargo boat makes 23 knots!

Peaceful here, I’ve wandered all over the island, slept with heaps of money, no fear, never molested, no violence. What a contrast with China!

They’ve imported from England second hand machinery for the south really, 12 with guns - going to Davao.

They’ve found oil here, not yet in commercial quantities, but it might be a great thing that would increase Japans urge to come here.

Met Lander on street named First Trinity.

Tuesday April 2nd


The Japs won’t want to come here. The cost would be too great to keep down the population. The Military and Naval consequences would be too great. Raw materials not great enough.

We’d want complete independence, the Communists would never stay here, having responsibility without authority. I wouldn’t mind a trade agreement.

No honesty among the politicians, afraid of saying what they really think.

Simple home, wife in Philippine national dress, could not speak English.

Constitution is aimed at the abuses of the landowners and also to give power to executive in times of stress.

Talk with Japanese Consul Kimura

Very revealing, showed me that Japan would not be averse to coming into the Philippines.

"If there is chaos in the Philippines, then it will be the duty of a civilised nation to step in and use force.

We could conquer the Philippines in 2 or 3 weeks if there were war.

It is very silly of the Japs not to immigrate more into the Philippines, so few come, about 20,000. There’s room here for a million at least.

But at home they think it is a terrible tropical climate, that's not true."

"We will want to come in commercially. There’s no need to come in in any other way on condition that the Philippinos are courteous and peaceful. But if they are not, then we cannot say what will happen".

"We will want the Philippines to grow cotton as raw material for our textiles. We will need the Philippian Iron ore which is the best in the Far East, for our steel industry and we will also need the Chromite and the Manganese."

"Strategically the Philippines are weak for the Americans, if there was war, we could capture them quickly. It would arouse American Public opinion and they would want to send a Navy across.

The Philippines cost the Americans more than they get out of it. Army and Navy cost $30 million a year".

"Anti - church movement is growing. The Catholics are really against independence and they will fight in the U.S. for the continuation of the link".

Battle in the future: For independence -

1) Farm, hog, fear of competition in margarine. Soap, Cattle and Hog fat used in soap in competition with coconut oil.

2) Sugar

3) Certain strategies

4) Cordage

F.P.A.against independence)

1) Roman Catholic church religions

2) Capitalist investors

3) Sugar here

4) Shipping, air

5) Steel, Cotton goods

Davao - We don’t need Davao as a base, it isn’t necessary for the capture of the Philippines!

I liked Kimura, very frank, but he had the feeling of upper hand in the Pacific domination.

"Philippines are lazy, they don’t work like the Japanese. Many Japs don’t like the Americans coming in air to Guam, Philippines etc. We fear it’s military."

Commercial penetration?

"Yes, that’s quite true".

Communism will probably grow after the Americans leave.

"There is a growing feeling of alliance with Japan and it will grow. Plo Duran reports that people are afraid of expressing it, but I agree that the Philippines will be forced to co-operate with Japan".

"The Japanese do not yet realise the significance of the Philippines."

"Bitterness will grow against the U.S., but the commonwealth movement will also grow."

Hatred of the big landowners is growing.

"The Philippines and the Far East"

by Homer C. Stunty 1904 - Jenning and Rye circu*** Why the Friars are hated -

1) Because the Friars secured and held such large tracts of land, and used these tracts as a means of enriching their orders.

2) Because they stifled all liberty of thought or freedom of speech in matters of politics and religion. Riyal fought the Friars.

3) Insatiable greed for money.

4) Immorality of the majority

5) Despotism over all classes

Brigandge is chronic in the Philippines, it has been so for more than a century.

Mr Goldenberg :- piece goods

The Japs are beating us, last month they imported 8,000 packages of cotton goods, whereas we only imported 1,000 (Am).

They copy everything. They send a man here who says: "I want a pattern", say I tell him : I can sell you 4 metres in a dress length, but not less. They copy it all, they copy the design, they copy the material. We’re being killed by Japanese competition. Take silk scarves, they cost me lp.22 each and I usually sell them at 1.50, but the Japs sell the same at 60 centaros.

There is one thing where I give the Japanese a spanking and that’s in remnants, I’ve got them beat. I can sell at 10 centaros a kilo. They are importing 10 to 1 of what U.S. imports.

Hester - financial advisor to Government.

Good fishing, the Japanese boats come from Formosa, illegal fishing. They have an exciting chases. One chaser drives the Japanese vessel towards the shore, and the other makes straight chase. Vessels are supposed to have a licence and pay taxes.

The Philippino is loyal to a person above him as long as that person looks after his interests. They all borrow from one another. They are all afraid of saying ‘no’, always ‘yes’.

There will be a dictatorship. Family strong, men give jobs to family, one has to support family. The godfather has the duty of supporting a child. (send social set up on Batav family to W.R)

Thursday. April 4

 Mr Robb came to see me off on the Dutch boat Tgisadane at 6pm.

Vicki Baum on board, painted middle aged blonde trying to look young with admirer (brother) in tow, "Give her this newspaper" said Lopez, of the Commonwealth association, who came to see her off. Robb is a grand fellow.

Sailed, wonderful picture, submarine escort with 3 subs along side, brilliantly decorated decks, then a masterpiece on the stern, stripes linked, the stars merging into the Union Jack in the white Ensign, a marriage, with searchlights playing, making the rustling banners look like silk. Union of U.S. and Britain.

Strolled on board, bathed, dined, Americans going around the world, middle aged. Read and then listened to the conversation of a Frenchman.

"Les Japonaise sont ravissants graciens etc. Si je vous dis** que..." Went to talk to him.

 I was arrested, I had been wandering over Japan and taking a lot of Photos, on little boats, walking, by horseback. Arrived in Kobe, water police came on board, made me stay in my cabin, asked me for the film, took me as prisoner ashore, examined me for another ~ took me to cell. I got afraid when I saw the dark tiny cell. I shrieked "French Consul", they wouldn’t listen, I just stood still and yelled until they let me telephone. French consul said to wait, but I was excited and yelled over the telephone. He sent son. Relief. A long examination, then the photos. Son of Consul told me to be calm, as soon as I was calm, the next day, the photos were developed, they said alright when I showed no desire to keep the photos, and I could go."

We talked into the night, it’s good to find a Frenchman, they’re fine conversationalists.


Philippino high school boy’s essay - The cow is an animal with four legs, one in each corner. The cow gives us milk but as for me give me liberty or give me death.

Teodord Kalaw predicts that a federation of nations comprising the great Malay group, Burma, Yunnan, French Indo China, Siam, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Sunda Island and the Maluccas and Philippines, consisting of approximately 140,000,000 people is not impossible of realisation.

Tribune April 2nd

First electric plant in Manila was operated in 1895, thanks to the co-operation of Japanese electricians who came to these islands.


Capita]. Investments in the PhiliDDines

Japs only $ 3,253,000

Britain $ 26,319,000

Spain $ 31,569,000

China $ 81,460,000

America $235,071,000

Philippine $ 68,739,000

(exclusive of real estate and agriculture)

Total " $473,877,000


British firm - Wise and Co - founded in 1826, brings in food stuffs from U.S. and England, Gunny sacks from Calcutta, cigarette papers from France, pepper from Sumatra, sheet iron from Belgium, tapioca and coffee from Java, tennis balls from England, Diesel engines and lubricants from England.

According to the reports of the Fish and Game administration, the Japanese own 50.9% of the fishing boats operating in Philippine waters and are believed to exercise a considerable degree of control over another 30.7%. Of the total of 805 licensed fishermen, 581 are Japanese and 209 Fils.

Approximately 5,000 Japanese apples imported and sold at from P2.60 to P3.00 per case, at which price no profits were realized. American apples - P4.50 to 5.50 per case.

Total packages of cloth Feb 1925

CJ.S. 4,147 Japan 6,097

(cotton) 3,815 5,354

piece goods


Philippines Herald - In the whole history of colonisation, there is no parallel to this document. We have yet to hear of any colony that drew up its constitution without dictation from the colonial power. Critic - During the years of American administration, we have been so smug and comfortable that now that we are given a concrete offer of eventual freedom, many of us are so frightened that the air reverberates with the clattering of teeth.

Election May 14.


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