
Gareth Jones Books

Gareth Jones


Colley Family

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Earl of Abergavenny

The Land Girl in 1917

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World Tour and China Narrative

        These diary transcriptions can be cross referenced with the articles written by Gareth Jones on his "Round the World Fact Finding Tour" undertaken in 1934 to 1935. Many entries are just jottings made by Gareth.  The later diaries are better than the earlier ones.  Those   that are coloured red are the most interesting to read.

    Gareth left Britain in October 1934 for 'Round the World Fact Finding Tour' but in July he was captured by bandits for £8,000 with a German, Dr Herbert Mueller. Mueller was released after 2 days but Gareth was killed after 15 days in captivity.


 1. United States November 1934

 2. United States. Has been overlooked and is to be prepared later. Replaced by excerpt from book.

 3. Hawaii

 4. Japan one  A more interesting diary with interviews with British Ambassador and Amau (Amö)

 5. Japan two. Also more Interesting.

 6. Philippines

 7. Dutch East Indies and Singapore

 8. Siam.  (Thailand)

 9. French Indo-China.

 10. Hong Kong, Canton and Changsha. 

 11. Final Diary to Dolonor. 

 12. China Narrative.and The final journal  Gareth's Narrative

   Public record files Pertaining to Gareth Jones's death  

                            Miss Hooker's Statement

                             Dr Herbert Müller's statement to the British Embassy.

                                    Dr Herbert Müller's Rebuttal

                                    Lieut. Millar's report following interview with Mr Yang,  (6.8.35.) Chief Representative of the Chahar Government in Kalgan.

                                    Report from the British Embassy Peking [Beijing} on the death of Gareth Jones

                                    'Facts about a Murder' by Claud Cockburn in his news sheet The Week

                             A.J.Sylvester's letters to the Foreign Office enquiring about Gareth

                             The Foreign Office Replies to A.J.Sylvester

                             Chahar Provincial Government,  Report on 21st August 1935


Public Record Files FO 371/19768

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