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World Journey


Phnom Penh. May 14 1935

Left at 6, misty, saw roof of the palace over dead dog, prisoners and soldiers, peasants, banana trees, birds, blue darting swallow like birds, maize being planted along the road and ponds with masses of Lotus.

Crossed very wide river by ferry, came to Douanes. We were in Cochin China. Differences, women all in black, grass in squares with tiny towers, end of Siamese influence, Annamites.

End of Indian influence and beginning of China. Strange headgear, cloth rolled around head. Tombstones and temples differ.

Shocked by the French papers attack on the Governor General M. Died recently, savage gutter attack on a dead man. He ran away after bomb had been thrown at dinner in his honour in Canton.

British Consul

"French are making great mistakes, they are closing this entirely to themselves. All goods must be French at the expense of the population. Hence terrifying experience, highest cost of living in the world probably. Hence revolts, dissatisfaction. Japanese goods (few) come in; Beer, few textiles."

"We can hardly get foreign goods, whisky I can only get through a club or a hotel.

"The French are forcing their goods upon these people."

"The French would do much better if they let other goods and people in. Look at Java, there they encourage the British etc. and they flourish. But here they jealously guard everything. It’s a rich country, fertile, with coal in the North but undeveloped."

"Trouble here comes from anti European and nationalists. They are people who are educated and have no jobs, just as In India.

But the French are ruthless. They suppress it at once. Not long ago in Tonkin a French Officer was killed in a small revolt, the French shot 14 Annamites.

Northcliffe came here was mad, said that the French could teach us a lot!

The French are bad colonists, they just come out here to make money and then rush back again. It’s almost a bit of a disgrace to the colonies.

Then there’s the battle between the French producers and the home producers.

There’s the general revolt here against the white race.

Disgraceful press here. How can natives have respect for the white’s when they accuse each other of all crimes?"

The duty against whisky is due to the Brandy interests of France in the battle.

*Shrieking, shots, angry voice, went to see, it was a cinema just behind the Continental palace.

Le Populare

Price : - piatre

1930 - before stabilisation we received 4 piatres (p = Hong kong S) but now the p. Indo China is twice as expensive, so if we receive 4 Hong Kong S. we receive half.

1,200,000 tons of rice exported per year. We sell all and we have no money, because of piatre.

All Annamites want the devaluation, everywhere, no exception. The financiers only want high piatre.

Tariffs up to 2,000% everything to smash foreign goods, but smugglers - Baie de Kompong Som - only two boats to look after them.

Terrible cost of living, suffering.

Smuggling on the backs of elephants, arrested elephant from Siam.

Gulf of Siam, arriving from Singapore, Hong Kong and China.

Cambodians are fierce bandits and smugglers. They shoot.

Annamites are mild.

Annamites are not communists, they love family, land etc. Here at Saigon they’ve elected 4 municipal councillors. Communists.

People not satisfied. Great tariff barriers between China and Indo-China.

In France there’s been a great propaganda on the increase of sales of rice to France, went up from 250,000 to about 750,000.

In France the wheat producers out roupete against the rice and wanted to make a quota of 500,000 tons, but haven’t done it. But they did something worse.

The Government said :- "We’ll give you millions of francs to denature the wheat, they put blue stuff in it (blen de metilere), this denatured wheat and it sold at 3Ofr (instead of 45fr) but the producers get l5fr from the government.

(The rice in France is for the cattle, the French eat little rice).

"I’m a farmer - "I find wheat at 3Ofr. Rice is thus toc expensive, I don’t buy it". Thus little rice is sold. (Perhaps half of formerly).

"But now they won’t buy our maize either because of overproduction".

"Revolts in Tonkin. The Communists are very subtle. They knob they can’t go straight to Communism so they mix it with Nationalism".

1930 - Sudden Cochin shine, not much nationalism. Nationalism will grow with growing youth.

At Siamese frontier, very careful about importing weapons.

Eden Cinema. Saigon

Lac aux Dame.

"Femmes ravissantes, of f rant aux caresses du soleil leurs corps elances et fins, jeune flues dont les sens s’eveillent doucement en presence de l’amour desire ordets sentiments tendres on passlonnes, jeuns toujours voila "Lac aux Dames".

Editor - "They admire Japan, think it fine that she’s got on sc quickly without Western help.


Prices terrible, most expensive country in the world. A handbag in the Philippines cost 20 cents, here 2 piatres. Tariffs terrific, they ruin the country; leads to great suffering.

We can hardly buy anything here, too expensive.

"They’re terribly jealous of keeping everything for the French. They won’t have foreigners working here."

"If I go on leave, or a subordinate goes on leave, I have to have special permission from the Governor General to get a substitute."

"The fight between home producers against the Indo Chinese is bad. It’ll lead to a lower standard of living. Japanese cannot do much business here."

"Yokohama Special Bank had to close it’s doors here a few years ago, not enough business".

Japanese competing a lot in cement.

Fear here that Japan will want to conquer. Many Annamites say that they prefer the French. Great Britain has sent a number of battleships to visit here. Perhaps that is to warn the Japanese.


Quotas on Japanese yarns and cotton piece goods.

Indo-China in Tonkin is producing cotton piece goods. Huge enterprise in Nam Dinh (Town) and also in Haiphon, working night and day, thousands working there.

Le Probleme Econ. Indo - Paul Bernard (1934)

Gold Prices 1913 = 100

Jan 1935 Wholesale Retail

Indochina 77

Hanoi 98

Saigon 107

France 71 92

U. K. 60 74

Germany(?) 101

US 67 69

Calcutta 63

China 61

Japan 49

Cost of living in Gold

Nov 1934

Hanoi nations middle class 112

Saigon Eur 103

France (Bru) 102

U.K 88

US. 78

Bombay 68

1914 = 100 (first 6 months)

60% of imports come from France.

A high protective tariff has kept Japan from developing its trade with French Indo China. Japanese cotton yarns and textiles are subject to quota restrictions. The bulk of business is in fresh fruit and vegetables, dried fish, glassware, enamel ware and asphalt.

English products, cigarettes, whisky, coal, biscuits, emery, tin plate, chemicals.

Tariffs on Textiles

Specific tariffs. Thus when price went down it was not necessary to raise the tariff. So much per length and weight, not ad valoreum.

Textiles bleached or cotton goods, manufactured and bleached yarns. 1933


France 79,168,000 francs

total 79,657,000

Japan 5,000 francs

Gt Britain 22,000 francs


Roughly 1200 metric tons per year; total quota for all foreign

cotton goods coming in.

Roughly 70,000 metric tons of cotton goods imported in 1933.

Roughly quota only allowing 1200 metric tons per year.

Japanese vice Consul

Tea offered, cost of tea

Forman - l0 yen packet

Forman Lee 40cents

Imports nearly stopped, 800 francs duty in 5 kilos. Japanese imports about 2% of the total.

Chamber of  Commerce

Sec. - "We had great difficulties with maize, due to the refusal of French to buy maize, because of the over production of wheat in France.

Rice - "Luckily China stepped in and by the first 6 months about

our annual export of rice had been sold, 1,200,000. We cannot sell all our rice.

Difficulties with the farmers in France.

"If we could import Japanese goods then the cost of many goods would go down 20 - 30%."

"We are importing cement from Japan, but a lot smuggled in, Japanese influence almost nil".

Loret, Lyceum Paul Doumis.

The Communists are very strong but it1s a strange Communism. It’s a mixture of Nationalism and Communism. It’s directed from Canton and Canton is directed by Moscow.

"We’ve had a lot of trouble here. They’ve tried to form cells here and are trying to win the youth.

All around this district there are communist cells and they work very hard indeed. But the population is too soft. Le Chinos, C’est rien sen homme, but the Annamite is weak, backboneless. The Cambodian is stronger. I know of one French inspector who drove away 400 Annamites.

China would be a magnificent country if they could only have order.

We want relations to improve with Siam. Japanese influence is increasing in Bangkok but here it is nil.

Some of the youngsters think that the Japs have done well by example, but they do not think often of Japan.

M. Dukson took me for a ride, out into the country, flat, palm leave shacks, beautiful scene, river Saigon, palms, moonlight.

Walked. "Don’t step on those leaves because of the small snakes. They are dangerous!" - We talked "Ah Pruvier! Sole; choosing menu." "Ah! Ah! Then the sole for the dinner."

"Ah! do you know. (Make good scene.)

La Patisserie Perigourdene

Talk about food. Then he said "N’en parlez plus"

That’s the fault of the French, they’re always thinking of Paris.

They have no affection or loyalty to the colonies. They want to come out, make a lot of money and return quickly.

"Then they are weak here. They smoke too much opium, especially the women. Nine out of Ten women smoke. Nearly all. It gets a grip.

I had a petite amle, I took her for a journey, I did not know she smoked. First day nothing happened. Second day she was nervous and irritable. "whats the matter?" "Nothing".

In the middle of the night she woke me yelling "I must have opium". We rushed to a little village and went to a rough place and she smoked.

Opium calms the sexual desire of a man, but increases that of a woman. It makes the women here mad about men. That’s what smashes so many marriages here in Saigon. The husband and the wife smoke, the husband loses desire but the wife increases her desire, she must have a man and finds a lover.

Often the women have a pipe and have men there to enjoy between the smokes. It’s the women who make the men smoke, about 7 out of 10 men smoke.

"I like the atmosphere of a fumerie. It’s like a club, talk, gay".

We went to dinner at a restaurant, chic, good dinner.

A man passed, young. "He smokes 50 to 60 pipes a day, he’s doomed. He’s a pilot, he’s going upstairs. There’s an opium room above the restaurant. He’s a pilot."

A woman, chic in blue, fair hair, about 40, passed. "she smokes but only 10 to 15 pipes a day. A pipe lasts about 40 seconds, then they relax for about 10 minutes.

"They’ve got to have it regularly, some go mad".

A pipe costs 10 sous, so a man who smokes 50 spends 5 piastres a day.

"It wrecks character. It makes men steal and murder and do anything for opium."

They smoke cigarettes to give patience between the smokes.

"Prices are terrible. Japanese import beer, price of entry 5 piastres, but they put 11 piastres duty, making it 16 piastres." "We’re keeping the market for France."

"I had a terrifying experience, went in car with friend in Annam; slept in the car in forest. Next morning read that Mois had attacked a camp of French troops to rescue some prisoners and had killed a French officer. We had a narrow escape."

The Mois are primitive, still use poisoned arrows.

The Tonkinois have more life and energy, that’s where the trouble is with the Communism.

The government is terrible here, the papers live by blackmail, eg. the government gives a subsidy to a company of a million piastres, when only 200,000 piastres is necessary, a lot goes into private hands. Newspaper begins a campaign of scandal etc.

Suddenly "Hush! Not a sound!" Why? "Because the company has given a bribe to an editor."

"Two women in this restaurant have made hundreds of coins, because husbands smoked opium and lost desire."

We motored past a building where the soldiers had risen a long time ago and killed officers. We dashed full speed through the town, nearly knocking down people, to Cholon. After dinner:

Chinese woman selling medicine on street, crowds, dancing places, lights etc. Along the river brilliant lights.

From the Continental Palace to the boat in Mr Duksons car.

D’Artagnon, big cabin, but bare, 2nd class. We sailed at 2

O’clock, but I was asleep.


Woke up late, 10 o’clock, walked in saw Ella Millbank and Carolyne Saltus. Lunched at 11 o’clock. French chic woman in pink, fat witty Frenchman, (Vaseille), American Lieutenant and his wife.

After lunch, discussed Saigon with the French, as the most immoral place in the world, "It’s dangerous to ask ‘hows your wife?’ because probably recently divorced". The climate affects the women and there are so few that they are spoilt.

Vaseille and Mine Andrefouette (Lieutenant and Mrs Irens) discuss women all day long.

"Lots of them smoke opium. The women have nothing to do all day long, so they smoke.

"You invite someone to dinner. At a certain hour, he (or she) gets irritable, shuffles on the seat and face twitches. They just have to get their opium."

"There’s an aviator who is a great smoker, he’ll smoke all night, lighting one from another.

"Snobbery" of opium smokers

Buddhism - The Message Subhadra Bhikkhu

Existence is not a blessing.

It is unworthy to pursue sensual pleasures.

Doctrine of rebirth rests on true justice. Death is merely transition from one perishable from to another. To him, however, who is earnestly weary of constantly renewed existence with its sorrows and joys, the way to deliverance is open, Ic. individuality will dissolve into Nirvana.

Buddha gave up princely fortune, left wife and children. Mara (Salan) tempted him In the wilderness.

Buddhism does not deny gods. nor does it attribute to them any special importance.

It is very probable that Jesus was a pupil of Buddhist monks from his 12th to his 30th year, at which time the gospels have nothing to report about him.

There are no divine revelations.

The cause of birth, suffering, death and re-birth is the all pervading wrong desire, the craving for sensate existence in this or another world.

The Four Noble Truths:

About Suffering,

Cause of suffering

Cessation of Suffering

About path to cessation of Suffering.

Path - Eightfold

Right views, Right aspirations, Right speech, Right actions, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, Right meditation.

Nirvana - Is a state of mind and heart in which all desire for sensate life, all egoistic craving, has become extinct and with it every passion, every grasping desire, every fear, all ill will and every sorrow. It is a state of perfect inward peace.

Most men have so defective ~a mental and moral nature, as the result of their deeds in former lives, that they require many rebirths before they can gain release.

Nirvana - blown out is the "I".

Then when he dies he passes on to the Eternal Peace, to the Parinirvana.

Our re—birth depends solely upon ourselves, our will.

The nature of our re-birth depends on our ‘Karma’. Karma is our action, merit and guilt. If our merit preponderates, we are reborn in a higher scale of living.

We are exactly what we have made ourselves and we enjoy and suffer only what we deserve, strict justice.

"Not in the boundless distances of space, not in the midst of the sea, not in the deepest mountain chasms, is there a spot where one can escape the result of one’s evil deed."

Only the ignorance of man has invented a personal god - creator.

The Buddha taught nothing of the beginning or end of the universe, because this knowledge transcends the power of the human intellect.

Five vows of Upasaka or lay followers :-

1) Not to kill or injure any living being.

2) Not to take anything which does not belong to me.

3) Abstain from all sexual excess

4) Not to lie, deceive or slander.

5) To abstain from all intoxicants and excitants.

8 vows . 5+

6) Not to take solid food after mid - day.

7) Abstain from dancing, worldly songs, from attending plays or  musical performances, to abstain from all worldly and distracting amusements.

8) Avoid use of ornaments, perfumes or anything that tends to vanity.

Higher merit is attained by carrying out the eight vows at least on the "sabbath", which corresponds to the four phases of the moon, new moon, first quarter, the full and the last quarter.

That the guiltless should be able to take on himself the sins of the guilty Is foolish.

Merit depends on the inner motive, on the purity of thought.

"To shun evil, to do good, to purify the heart from passions, that Is the teaching of all the Buddhas. Not to blame anybody, not to injure anybody, to practice abstemiousness accordling to the Doctrine, to be moderate in eating and in drinking, to turn one’s thoughts to the highest, that is the teaching of all the Buddhas’.

"Overcome the angry by gentleness, the wicked by kindness, the miser by liberality, the liar by truth."

No temporal guilt can bring on everlasting punishment.

There is no heaven or hell. The iniquity of parents is not visited upon children. No - one need suffer for the guilt of others.

When we see the good suffer, it is based on the actions of a former life.

Buddhism is pervaded by the spirit of perfect toleration, never has blood been shed for its propagation.

Prayers, sacrifices and the observance of rites and ceremonies are not necessary for the attainment of Nirvana, earnest meditation takes the place of prayer.

"Happy are those who do not hate. Let us live happily then, free from hatred among those who hate.

Happy are the pure, let us live happily then, pure amongst impure.

Happy are they who are free from desires, let us live happily then, free from desires among the desiring.

Happy are those who call nothing their own."

Paul Eaken

Siamese Buddhism

HInayana Buddhism firmly established throughout Indo - China by the 5th century AD.

Siam claims to be the only true Buddhist state left, being the only independent state free to nurture and propagate the true faith. The King is the actual head of Buddhism in Siam.

1929 - 30 there were 16,132 Buddhist temples in Siam with 132,041 monks, 50,030 novitiates and 98,902 temple attendants. One out of 36 of Siam’s ten million people must be supported by the public, great strain.

Out of a group of over 10,000 monks who have left the buddhist priesthood, only 17 have been sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed, and of these only two were of a serious nature.

The Buddhist teaching to the effect that responsibility rests solely on oneself and that if one does good he will have reward and evil he will suffer, incubates fear of evil action.

There are deep stirrings at the very heart of Siamese Buddhism.

1) Increased interest in religious training work.

2) More emphasis is being placed on the preaching ministry of the Buddhist monks on making sincere desire to win men to upright living.

3) Tendency to minimize the externals of religion and emphasize the inner spirit.

4) Change in the doctrines. The idea of the individual as a water - tight compartment, isolated from all others, deserving all that comes to him, because he alone is responsible, is passing. More feeling for society.

5) Among country people a real feeling of dependence on a supreme personal being.

6) Tendency to elevate Buddha to the position of God.

7) Modern Buddhism In Siam will deny that Buddha taught the men to eliminate all desires. Not desire but evil desires are the chains that hold us to the wheel of existence.

Curse of Buddhism, no initiative. Pass by on the other side, because suffering Is deserved, no pity.

Angkor Wat

Villes d’art celebres George Groslier

Angkor est le mot sanserit - nagara - capitale. Une extraordina germination des religious indiennes, s’est en effet produlte entre les neuf et 13 sleds de notre ere dans les ramparts d’A. D’interminables chausses ayant Angkor pour centre se deploient en etoile a travers un pays se pare lul meme de plus de 800 temples et chapelles, on creuse en terre de vasts reservoirs, utilitaires et des milliers d’etange sacre’s, centain de ponts massifs; on se bat sur toutes les frontiers, on prie plusiers dieux a la fois, l’ar et le bronze coulent a f lots et peuplant d’idols les sanctuaires.

Le peuple khmer et le peuple cambodge unite nationale du cambodge, s’eta but an plus tard vers 802-69 AD.

yes les iv - v an plus tardes.

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