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1933 Famine Photo's of Kharkov, Ukraine, from Dr. Ewald Ammende's {early winter} 1935 'Muss Russland Hungern?' [Must Russia Starve?],

published by Wilhelm Braumüller, Wien [Vienna].

Much controversy has been associated with validity of any photos published in the West purporting to be genuinely from the time of the Holodomor. Unfortunately, the approximately 70-year old source material has only been available to a few academics. As part of our ongoing research, since it was discovered that a couple of  these dubious [1921] 'Soviet famine photos' were amongst the private papers of Gareth Jones, which he had in his possession before embarking upon his tragic final journey away form his home in October 1934. Therefore at the Gareth Jones Archives, we  have decided to embark on endeavouring to source and publish all readily available material to a wider online readership.

However, at present this research is by far from incomplete as we require sight of  archival material from the Hearst Press and the London Daily Express, amongst others. But for the moment. consider this website as work inprogrss...

Nevertheless, the provenance of any 'famine' photo on this website is neither claimed nor implied and are shown for comparative academic research purposes.

However, Marco Carynnyk's in his paper entitled; 'Swallowing Communism: Pro-Communist Ukrainian Canadians and Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s' believes them to be authentic, where he wrote: "[Ammende's 'Muss Russland Hungern?'] book contained twenty-one pictures, which were described as having been taken by an Austrian technical specialist in Kharkiv in the summer of 1933. They are for the most part shots of streets and show shops that did not exist in 1921. Unless evidence to the contrary is presented, these twenty-one pictures are the only photographs of the famine that may be accepted as both genuine and authentic. [There was an accompanying footnote to this paragraph (#48) which read; "It now appears that the genuine and authentic photographs in Ammende's book were taken by Alexander Wienerberger. See his Hart auf Hart: 25 Jahre Ingenieur in Sowjetrussland which contains many of the photographs in Ammende's book, and the collection of photographs from Cardinal Theodor Innitzer's archives in Vienna in The 1933 Original Photographs from Karkiv, Ukraine."]

Translations from the original German captions below are 'as is' [E. & O.E] - though any suggested improvements or corrections would be appreciated - please email them to me directly at nigel '@'

Click on any thumbnail for a higher resolution and more detailed photo.

Abb.1 [Abbildung - picture]


Abb. 2

Caption: "Die leeren Lebensmittel-Verteilungstellen - hier der "Chartorg" {Charower Handellskooperation) werden von notleidenden Bevölkerung belagert."

Translation: "The empty food - distribution site - here the "Chartorg" {Charower Trade Co-operative) is besieged by a bewailing population."


Caption:  "Umsonst - die Türen sind verschlossen!"

Translation: "In vain - the doors are locked!"


Abb. 3


Abb. 4

Caption:  "Die Fenster der leeeren Lebensmittelstellen zieren bloß die Bilder Stalins und der anderen Moskauer Regenten"

Translation: "The windows of the empty food places decorated only by pictures of Stalin and other Muscovite rulers."


Caption:  "Schlangen vor den Milchverteilungstellen."

Translation: "Queues in front of the milk marketing board.."


Abb. 5


Abb. 6

Caption:  "Die Menge vor den Lebensmittel-verteilungsstellen ist oft so groß, daß sie den Eindruck eines Volksauflaufes erweckt."

Translation: "The crowd in front of the food marketing board is often so large that it conveys the impression of a crowd. [?? - unfortunately my translation as yet makes no proper sense!]"


Caption:  "Auf dem Lebensmittelmarkt in Charkow: Jede Flasche Milch, krampfhaft umklammert, stellt im Freien Handel einen wertvollen Besitz dar."

Translation: "At the food market in Charkow: Each bottle of milk, desperately clasped, represents a valuable possession in  free trade.."


Abb. 7


Abb. 8

Caption:  "Hungernde und verwahrloste Kinder, die sogenannten 'Besprisornyje'."

Translation: "Hungry and neglected children. the so-called 'Besprisornyje'"


Caption:  "Als Begleiterscheinung des Hungers und Träger der Epidemien - die Verlasung."

Translation: "As accompaniment of hunger and carrier of epidemic diseases - the lice-ridden."


Abb. 9


Abb. 10

Caption:  "'Besprisornyje', auf einem Steinhaufen sitzend, entlausen sich."

Translation: "'Besprisornyje' - sitting on a stone-heap, delousing themselves."


Caption:  "Der Hunger treibt die  Bauern auf der Wanderung."

Translation: "Hunger drives the farmers to migrate.."


Abb. 11


Abb. 12

Caption:  "Die Leichen der in den Straßen Charkovs Verhungerten erwecken anfangs Anteilnahme."

Translation: "The corpses in the streets of the Charkov at the beginning arouse the sympathy of the famished."


Caption:  "Auch diese Leiche erregt noch Aufsehen."

Translation: "Also this corpse still excites  attention."


Abb. 13


Abb. 14

Caption:  "Die Anteilnahme schwindet."

Translation: "The sympathy shrinks!"


Caption:  "Die abgestumpfte Bevölkerung hat jedes Interesse für den grausigen Anblick der Hungers Sterbenden verloren."

Translation: "The apathetic population have each lost in the gruesome sight of  the famished, dying."


Abb. 15


Abb. 16

Caption:  "Die Leichen der VErhungerten liegen im Straßenstaub, die Passanten beachten sie nicht mehr."

Translation: "The corpses of the starving lie in the  road-side, the passers-by no longer pay them attention."


Caption:  "Alltägliche Unterhaltung angesichts der Leiche eines Verhungerten"

Translation: "Everyday conversation in view of a starving corpse."


Abb. 17


Abb. 18

Caption:  "Ein verhungerndes Kind, um das sich niemand Kümmert."

Translation: "A starving child, about whom nobody worries"


Caption:  "Ein alltägliche Bild: Primitiver Leichenstransport."

Translation: "An everyday picture: primitive corpse transport."


Abb. 19


Abb. 20

Caption:  "Die Leichen der Verhungeren werden in Massengräben verscharrt."

Translation: "The corpses of the starving are buried in mass graves [ditches]."


Caption:  "Der Massenfriedhof - ein Dünenmeer."

Translation: "The mass cemetery - a sea of dunes."


Abb. 21


Caption:  "Daneben in blühender Landschaft die Aufschrift: 'Hier ist das Bestatten von Leichen kategorisch verboten!'"

Translation: "Besides a flowering landscape the notice: 'the burial of corpses is categorically forbidden here!"


Original Research, Content & Site Design by Nigel Linsan Colley. Copyright © 2001-17 All Rights Reserved Original document transcriptions by M.S. Colley.Click here for Legal Notices.  For all further details email:  Nigel Colley or Tel: (+44)  0796 303  8888