Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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Tell Them We Are Starving




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'Are you Listening NYT?'  U.N. Speech - Nov 2009


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Reporter and the Genocide - Rome, March 2009


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Reports Russians Are Starving

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Lloyd George’s Secretary Tells of Visit to Ukraine - Says Terrorism Is Rife.  

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Special Wireless Dispatch to The Sun.

BERLIN. March 29 [1933]— The present Russian famine is as bad as the great starvation of 1921, when millions died, according to Gareth Jones, private secretary to David Lloyd George, former British Prime Minister, who just reached here today after a long walking trip through the rural districts of the Ukraine. 

Mr. Jones will deliver an official report in London to the Royal Institute of International Affairs tomorrow explaining the conditions in Russia and the reasons underlying them.  He speaks Russian fluently and, while all foreign correspondents mostly were forbidden to visit the famine regions of the Ukraine, Jones was allowed to do so.

His report explains the dislike of the Russian authorities to having conditions in the Soviet investigated. 

Mr. Jones saw famine on a huge scale and the revival of a murderous terror. The Russians are thoroughly alarmed over this situation and, he explains, the arrest of British engineers recently as a “maniac measure” following the shooting by the Government of 35 prominent Russian agricultural workers, including a vice-commissar in the ministry of agriculture. 

Visited Collective Farms 

“I walked through the country visiting villages and investigating twelve collective farms,” Mr. Jones today told The Sun correspondent.

Everywhere I heard the cry:

‘There is no bread: we are dying!’  This cry is rising from all parts of Russia: from the Volga district, from Siberia, from White Russia, from Central Asia and from the Ukraine black dirt country.  I saw a peasant pick up a crust of bread and an orange peel which I had thrown away in the train. 

“Soldiers warned me against travelling by night, as there were too many desperate men about.  A foreign expert who returned from Kazakstan told me that 1,000,000 out of the 5,000.000 of inhabitants there have died of hunger. 

 Hatred of Shaw.  

“After Dictator Josef V. Stalin the starving Russians most hate George Bernard Shaw for his accounts of their plentiful food, whereas they are really starving.  There is insufficient feed and many peasants are too weak to work the land and the future prospect seems blacker than the present.  The peasants no longer trust their Government and the change in the taxation policy came too late.” 

Mr. Jones attributes the famine chiefly to the collectivization policy and the peasants’ hatred for it.  Other causes are bad transportation, the lack of skilled labor, the bad State finances and Governmental terror.  Unemployment is steadily growing in the land that but a few years ago boasted of its freedom from ills current in capitalistic society. 


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