Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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Berliner Tageblatt. April 1st, 1933 (Morning Edition) - By London Correspondent, Paul Scheffer.

[English translation at bottom of page.]

Hungersnot in Russland?

London 31. März. 

(Telephonat unseres Korrespondenten) 

Der Bisherige politische Sekretär Lloyd Georges, Garreth-Jones, hat über das bestehen einer der grössten Teil des europäischen Russlands umfassenden Hungersnot, die dich in den nächsten Monaten weiter verschärfen werde und der Katastrophe von 1921 bereits gleichstehe, schlüssiges Material aus Russland mitgebracht, dessen Publikation bevorsteht.  Nur Moskau und Leningrad seinen davon ausgenommen. 

Jones hat u. a. [unter anderes] Teile der Ukraine zu Fuss durchwandert und hat in Moskau flüchtende Bauern aus allen Teilen Russlands gefragt.  Er hat aus Quellen, an deren Zuverlässigkeit er nicht zweifelt, die Nachricht bekommen dass bereits. 

Ein Fünftel der Bevölkerung von Kasakstan an Hunger zugrunde gegangen sei. 

Der Schrei „es gibt kein Brot, wir müssen sterben“ sei ihm Über-all auf seinem Reisen entgegengeklungen, auch in Kollektiven, deren er eine grosse Anzahl besucht hat. Vor den Augen eines Kommunisten, der das bestehen von Hunger in Russland bestritt, habe ein Bauer, der im gleichen Eisenbahnwagon sass, ein Stuck Brot aus einem Spucknapf herausgeholt, das Jones aus der Hand gefallen war. 

Garreth-Jones ist eine sehr bekannt und angesehene Persönlichkeit in London, besonders in Politischen und Publizistischen Kreisen.  Seine früheren Artikel über Russland die er regelmässig auf seinen jährlichen Reisen dorthin veröffentlicht, sind allseits stets als objektiv und ausserordentlich gut informiert anerkannt worden. Dass die Sowjetunion mit allen Mitteln die Wahrheit über den fürchterlichen Ausgang des Kollektivisierungs – versuchs von 140 Millionen russischen Bauern seit langem unterdrückt, war bekannt. Garreth-Jones weist darauf hin, dass die ausländischen Korrespondenten in Moskau seit geraumer Zeit nicht mehr in das Innere Russlands hineindürfen. Im Übrigen ist es auch bekannt, dass Korrespondenten in Moskau durch die Zensur und andere Mittel, besonders durch Druck in der Aufenthaltsbewilligung behindert werden, die Wahrheit zu schreiben. Als im Jahre 1929 der Kampf gegen die Kulaken zugleich mit der Kollektivisierung begann war es schon offenbar dass sich das gleiche Unglück wiederholen werde, das schon 1920 und 1921 das russische Volk betroffen hat.

[Below is my own considered attempt at the translation of the above, but I do not profess to its complete literal accuracy and would therefore be more than happy to receive any informed improvements and suggestions, as at present all errors and omissions are accepted. Nigel Colley 5th September 2003]

Famine in Russia?

London 31 March.

(Telephoned by our correspondent)

The former political secretary of Lloyd George, Garreth [sic] Jones, brings conclusive evidence from Russia, which is about to be published, about the existence of a comprehensive famine in the largest part of European Russia, which in the next few months will further intensify and already stands out on a par with disaster of 1921. Only Moscow and Leningrad are excluded from it.

Jones has wandered by foot through Ukraine and other parts, and spoken with fleeing farmers [peasants] from all over of Russia. He had previously received reports [of the famine] from sources whose reliability is not in doubt

A fifth of the population of Kazakhstan has died from hunger.

The cry of: “There is no bread, we are dying” was heard everywhere on his travels, also in Collectives, of which he visited a large number. Before the eyes of a Communist, who denied the existence of hunger in Russia, a peasant [farmer], who sat in the same train compartment, took a piece of bread from out of a spittoon, which had been flung from Jones’ hand.

Garreth Jones is a well-known and outstanding personality in London, particularly in political and publishing circles. His earlier articles about Russia which have been regularly published relating to his annual journeys were balanced, always recognized as objective and extraordinarily well informed.

That the Soviet Union has attempted to suppress the truth by all means about the awful results of the experiment of Collectivisation of 140 million Russian farmers was well-known for a long time. Garreth Jones points out that the foreign correspondents in Moscow for quite some time, may no longer travel into the inside of Russia. In all other respects it is also well-known that correspondents are obstructed in Moscow by the censorship and other means from writing the truth, particularly through pressure over residence permits. When the fight against the Kulaks began in 1929, at the same time as Collectivisation, it was already obvious that the same misfortune that befell the Russian people of 1920 and 1921 would repeat itself.

Background on Paul Scheffer


Paul Scheffer was also banned by the USSR for his Moscow reporting in the late 1920s, and became editor in chief of the liberal & non-Nazi Berliner Tageblatt from 1934-36. He resigned after editorial constraints imposed by Goebbels, and in 1938 was ludicrously implicated in the third Soviet Show Trial as being a German Spy master orchestrating sabotage of  Soviet grain. He emigrated to the USA and unfortunately as a direct result of these allegations was interned after Pearl Harbor. Also SEE HERE for his front page editorial obituary of Gareth on Friday 16th August 1935 (Evening Edition) where he makes a veiled side-swipe at Walter Duranty: "The International Press is abandoning its colours - in some countries more quickly than in others - but it is a fact. Instead of independent minds inspired by genuine feeling, there appear more and more men of routine, crippled journalists of widely different stamp who shoot from behind safe cover, and thereby sacrifice their consciences.”


He died in in 1965, whilst researching the causes behind Germany's reasons for starting the First World War.



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