Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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Tell Them We Are Starving




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More Than Grain of Truth



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'Are you Listening NYT?'  U.N. Speech - Nov 2009


Gareth Recognised at Cambridge - Nov 2009


Reporter and the Genocide - Rome, March 2009


Order of Freedom Award -Nov 2008


Premiere of 'The Living' Documentary Kyiv - Nov 2008


Gareth Jones 'Famine' Diaries - Chicago 2008


Aberystwyth Memorial Plaque 2006





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He gained top marks in the Civil Service Examination for the Consular Service, which subsequently offered him a posting in China, which he did not accept. In view of his exceptional knowledgHTTP/1.1 100 Continue e of European languages, this offer would have been seen as derogatory and a great disappointment to his family. He was a Barry County Schoolboy from Wales in the era when the possession of public school education was considered of great importance. Gareth travelled widely throughout Europe and the United States. He worked his passage on a dirty French steamer, signed on as a stoker on a Norwegian boat and travelled steerage on small Swedish and German steamers. He was the 1920’s version of the back-packer. In 1923, due to the fall in the German Mark he travelled through Germany for the sum of five shillings.   In 1930 he became research advisor in Foreign Affairs to Mr David Lloyd George, the former Liberal Prime Minister, and the following year he became Assistant to Mr Ivy Lee, public relations counsel to Rockefeller, Pennsylvania Railroad, Chrysler and other American business institutions. During this time Mr Lee, who knew Russia well, requested Gareth to accompany Jack Heinz II, grandson of the founder of the Heinz Organisation, on a tour of the USSR.[1] Gareth’s sister, Mrs Eirian Lewis told of how she visited them aboard a dilapidated Russian ship, the SS Rudzutak in the Port of London before their journey. 

[1] “With a knowledge of Russia and the Russian language, it was possible to get off the beaten path, to talk with grimy workers and rough peasants, as well as such leaders as Lenin's widow and Karl Radek [Secretary of the Communist International]. We visited vast engineering projects and factories, slept on the bug-infested floors of peasants' huts, shared black bread and cabbage soup - in short, got into direct touch with the Russian people in their struggle for existence and were thus able to test their reactions to the Soviet Government's dramatic moves. It was an experience of tremendous interest and value as a study of a land in the grip of a proletarian revolution.” Extract from Gareth’s Preface to Jack Heinz II’s [anonymously written] book Experiences in Russia – 1931. A Diary.” [N.B. In 1931, the U.S.S.R. was still politically unrecognised as a sovereign state by the U.S.]

Gareth with his Mother

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