Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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'Are you Listening NYT?'  U.N. Speech - Nov 2009


Gareth Recognised at Cambridge - Nov 2009


Reporter and the Genocide - Rome, March 2009


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Speech by Margaret Siriol Colley at the Unveiling of a Plaque for Gareth Jones

at the Old College, Aberystwyth University, 2nd May 2006

Llysgennad Ukraine, Ihor Kharchansko

Llywydd Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth,  Arglwydd Elystan Morgan.

Is-ganhellor Athro Noel Lloyd

Ladies and Gentlemen.     Croeso y pawb.

Rwy’f am dHTTP/1.1 100 Continue dweud diolch yn fawr i’r Athro Lubomyr Luciuk sydd wedi trefnu’r gofeb i fy uncle, Gareth.

Ganwyd Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones yn 1905 ac fe’i lladdwyd yn Inner Mongolia Mewnol un diwyrnod cyn drideg benblwydd yn 1935.

Mae hanes Gareth yn mynd yn ôl i 1889 pan cwrddodd ei dad a’i fam yn y coleg hwn,

ac hefyd eu dyweddio yma yn Aberystwyth. Buasent wedi cerdded yn y neuadd yma, mae’n debyg!.

His parents must have walked in this hall.

Cyn eu priodas aeth Annie Gwen Jones i’r Ukraine i weithio gyda teulu John Hughes,

er mwyn addysgu ei wyrion a threilio tair blynedd yno. Fel plentyn bach yn clywodd Gareth yr hanes am yr amser hyfryd cafodd ei fam yn yr Ukraine. Dysgodd Gareth i siarad Rwsieg yn dda cyn iddo fynd i’r Ukraine. Ond pan daeth y cyfle i fynd darganfyddodd gyflwr ofnadwy.

Ar ôl ei drydedd ymweliad yn 1933 cafodd ei ysgytio cymaint gan y sefyllfa

mae rhei-drwydd oedd iddo ysgrifennu  mwy nag ugain o erthyglau i amlygu a darlledu’r cyflwr ofnadwy a ddatblygodd trwy  wasgu ymlaen yn ddihidiol

i wireddi uchelgais Stalin  - Wrote more than twenty articles to expose

Stalin’s ruthless ambitions of Industrialisation and Collectivisation  -The Five-Year Plan (yn ei Fesur Pum Mlynedd o Gyfunoli a Dywydiannu Amaethyddiaeth.)

Yna mewn dwy flynedd roedd Gareth wedi marw.

Roedd yn drasiedi (tragedy)  ofnadwy iawn i’w dad a’i fam.

Mae’n weddus fod cofeb wed’i godi i gofio am Gareth yng Ngoleg Aberyswyth, lle roedd wedi bod mor hapus, ac a garwyd gymaint gan dad a fam.  Mor falch byddent o sylweddoli fod pawb ddim wedi anghofio’r Gareth.

Mae Gareth o’r diwedd wedi dod gartref.

 Gareth has at last come home.

Ambassador Ihor Kharchanko
President of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Lord Elstan Morgan,
Vice-chancellor, Professor Noel Lloyd.

Thank you Lubomyr Luciuk for all the arrangements you have made for this plaque.
Gareth Jones, my uncle was born on August 13th 1905 and died in on the eve of his 30th birthday.

Gareth’s parents Major and Mrs Edgar Jones met and became engaged in Aberystwyth in 1889. No doubt they walked together in this hall. Before they married Annie Gwen Jones spent 3 memorable years in Hughesovka, now Donetsk. As a child on his mother’s knee Gareth heard stories of his mother’s happy times in Ukraine. Gareth learnt to speak Russian fluently in order to make is pilgrimage to Ukraine but he found conditions appalling . On his third visit he was so moved that he wrote at least 20 articles to expose the dreadful conditions brought upon by Stalin’s ruthless ambitions of Industrialisation.

Two years later Gareth was dead. It was an unbearable tragedy to his parents. It is wonderful that a plaque has been erected to him in this college, Aberystwyth where he was so happy and for which has family had so much affection and so much respect. How proud his parents would have been to know that he is not forgotten. Gareth has come home.

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