
Gareth Jones Books

Gareth Jones


Colley Family

My Hobbies

Siriol's Photos

Earl of Abergavenny

The Land Girl in 1917

All Articles of interest


Gareth Jones  Lloyd George


Major Edgar Jones

Sharm el Sheikh

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Margaret Siriol Colley
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*Childhood photos. 

*Wartime Evacuation to Canada 1940 to 1944.




*Family Photos and Recollections. 


*The childhood of Dr. Nigel R. Colley, father of Graham, Richard, Nigel and Philip  


Memorial to the East Indiaman, the Earl of Abergavenny


My Hobbies.     1.Diving excursion to Sinai in1979. Flash flood exposing land mines.

                          2. Diving the Wreck, of the East Indiaman, the Earl of Abergavenny and the memorial to the loss of life. .

                          3.Diving in Scapa Flow on the remaining German     Warships scuttled in 1919.

                                4.Further underwater photos.



More Than a Grain of Truth

A Pictorial Biography of Gareth Vaughan Jones

Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones


The Heart of Things  Hong Kong Critic's assessment of Gareth's murder in Inner Mongolia




A Manchukuo




Battle of the Somme. The tragic death of Dr Raymond Jones on July 10th 1916

The Land girl in 1917.  Eirian Lewis's account of being a land girl in the Great War.

Annie Gwen Jones. Life on the Steppes, Ukraine 1889-1892

Major and Mrs. Edgar Jones at Eryl Barry, South Wales


Photos on site including those of Gareth's Biography, David Lloyd George and various photos.

It includes photos of Japan, Myanmar, and Gareth's Mongolian Photos.

Below is a slide show.



Hiroshima Epicentre

The following are the articles on my website

Hobbies with interest in Diving

1.    Earl of Abergavenny, the East Indiaman.  The wreck of the ship off Weymouth in 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars with France.

2.    Memorial to the The Wreck of The Earl of the Abergavenny sunk in 1805 with the loss of approximately 274 lives.

3.    Diving on the Remnants of the German Fleet in Scapa Flow, the Orkneys in the 1980's.

Articles Pertaining  to Gareth.  For China Narrative click here

1.    Tales Told Round the Fireside of a Welsh Farm House.

2.    Preface to my book, More Than a Grain of Truth.  The Biography  of Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones.

3.    Yr Angor. Dadarchurddiwyd plac- y Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones.

4.    The Heart of Things  Hong Kong Critic's assessment of Gareth's murder in Inner Mongolia.

      5. Journey into Inner Mongolia.

     6. Final Diary


My grandmother's account of her time in Ukraine and my mother as a Land girl in 1917.

1.    Life on the Steppes.  A short account of Annie Gwen Jones in Hughesovka in 1889-1892.

2.    The Steel City .Annie Gwen Jones' radio story of her visit to Ukraine in 1889-1892. English version.

3.    Yr DDinas Ddur. Welsh version of Annie Gwen Jones' broadcast.

4.    The Land girl in 1917.  Eirian Lewis's account of being a land girl in the Great War.

Tragic stories of the First World War and Siriol's recollections in the Second World War

1.    South Wales Borderers in First World War.  Newspaper report on the actions of this tragic Welsh regiment.

2.    Battle of the Somme. The tragic death of Dr Raymond Jones on July 10th 1916.

3.    Siriol's wartime evacuation to Canada in 1940

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