Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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Tell Them We Are Starving




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'Are you Listening NYT?'  U.N. Speech - Nov 2009


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Reporter and the Genocide - Rome, March 2009


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Cambridge 2009

Links to High Resolution Diary Images

Thumbnail Images below are to Print Resolution Photos of Gareth's Unique Journalist Diary Notes of his Personal Observations (during his off-limits trek of Famine Conditions in Ukraine in March 1933. These diaries represent probably the only independent Western verification of arguably Stalin's greatest atrocity/

CLICK HERE  to view a copy of 'The Gareth Jones Diaries' Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (5Mb) with an overview of Gareth's remarkable life and as an aide to putting the below slides in context. Or  CLICK HERE to view an online version, but viewable only with MS Internet Explorer.

Thumbnail Links below are to High Resolution Original Images of

Corresponding Diary Page (without highlighting), which can then be saved to disk.

Below images are for informational purposes & show red highlighted passages, which are transcribed to their right. Slide numbers correspond to the MS PowerPoint Presentation; 'The Gareth Jones Diaries' -See Links Above.

Transcriptions of Salient Passages Highlighted in Red

Slides 47 & 48

"In the Ukraine. A little later. I crossed the border from Great Russia into the Ukraine.  Everywhere I talked to peasants who walked past – they all had the same story;
     “There is no bread – we haven’t had bread for over 2 months – a lot are dying.”
     The first village had no more potatoes left and the store of
БҮРЯК (beetroot) was running out.

 They all said ‘the cattle is dying. (Nothing to feed.) НЕЧЕВО КОРМитьn.

We used to feed the world now we are hungry. How can we sow when we have few horses left? How will we be able to work in the fields when we are weak from want of food? Then I caught up…

Slides 49 & 50

…[with] a bearded peasant who was walking along . His feet were covered with sacking. We started talking. He spoke in Ukrainian Russian. I gave him [a] lump of bread and of cheese.
     “You could not buy that anywhere for 20 roubles. There just is no food.”
      We walked along and talked; “Before the war this was all gold. We had horses and cows and pigs and chickens. Now we are ruined. [We are]
ПОГИБЛИ (the living dead). You see that field.  It was all gold, but now look at the weeds. The weeds were peeping up over the snow.”
     “Before the war we could have boots and meat and butter. We were the richest
country in the world for grain. We fed the world. Now they have taken all away from us. “Now people steal much more. Four days ago, they stole my horse. Hooligans came. There that’s where I saw the track of the horse.” “A horse is better than a tractor. A tractor goes and stops, but a horse goes all the time. A tractor cannot give manure, but a horse can. How can the spring sowing be good? There is little…

Slides 51 & 52

…seed and the people are too weak. We are all weak and hungry. “The winter sowing was bad, and the winter ploughing [was] also bad.” He took me along to his cottage. His daughter and three little children. Two of the smaller children were swollen. “If you had come before the Revolution we would have given you chicken and eggs and milk and fine bread. Now we have no bread in the house. They are killing us.” “People are dying of hunger.” There was in the hut, a spindle and the daughter showed me how to make thread. The peasant showed me his shirt, which was home-made and some fine sacking which had been home-made. “But the Bolsheviks are crushing that. They won’t take it. They want the factory to make everything.” The peasant then ate some very thin soup with a scrap of potato. No bread in house. The white bread [of Gareth’s] they thought was wonderful.

Slide 56

Queues for bread. Erika [from the German Consulate] and I walked along about a hundred ragged pale people. Militiaman came out of shop whose windows had been battered in and were covered with wood and said: “There is no bread” and “there will be no bread today.” Shouts from angry peasants also there. “But citizens, there is no bread.” “How long here?” I asked a man. “Two days.” They would not go away but remained. Sometimes cart came with bread; waiting with forlorn hope.

Slide 59

Queues of 7000 stand. They begin queuing up at 3-4 o’clock in afternoon to get bread next morning at 7. It is freezing. – many degrees of frost.

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